I just figured it out...
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
The only person that is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive
on 12/12/07 2:17 am - San Antonio, TX
on 12/12/07 3:49 am - San Antonio, TX
Well Thank you! My complications were a little bit unusual. I tend to over-do it on the scarring, with big ugly keloid scars. Its not a bad characteristic to have generally, my body knits itself back up nice and tight after any injury, but it got a little out of hand. Any kind of surgery you have, but especially abdominal surgery, can, and usually does. cause some adhesions. These are interal scars basically, and they start out soft and slowly harden. Most of the time they don't cause any problems, but they can. Surgeons really should make people more aware of adhesions, I believe. It should be included on the list of possible side effects of any surgery. In my case, I went on adhesion overload. About a week after surgery I began having some pain, but I thought it was normal because I'd just had surgery. It wasn't terrible, just uncomfortable. I also started not keeping things down. At first it was just now and again, and then by two weeks it was happening all the time. It quickly got to the point that even water came right back up. By that night, I was having constant body wracking dry heaves whether I swallowed anything or not. Drinking something to throw it back up was easier than just dry heaves, so I did that all night. We talked to my surgeon several times and he felt that it was just a stomach flu. I went to the hospital that morning for fluids and they still were bent on the stomach flu thing. By then I was retching up some really nasty tasting stuff. I stayed at the hospital all day on fluids, dry heaving and waiting for the surgeon. I kept insisting something was really wrong and it wasn't a stomach flu. He finally saw me at about 6 that night. Usually, when you can't keep anything down after surgery its because of a stricture, but I was way too early out for a stricture so that was the main reason he thought it was a virus. He'd also seen someone a week earlier with a virus. Once he saw me though, he decided to go ahead and do an endoscope for a possible balloon dilation for a stricture. I had the endoscope that night and no stricture. He could see that something wasn't right though, so I was scheduled for an exploratory surgery immdiately after. Once he got in there, apparently it was a bit of a horror show. He said he's never seen anything like the amount of scarring I already had at two weeks out. I had no adhesions when I had RNY, but now my abdomen was full of scar tissue. And he said it was hardened like cement already, and that doesn't usually happen for months to years after surgery. Lovely. On top of that, the scar tissue was holding my bowel to my body wall, so I had a bowel blockage. That's why I was throwing up. Finally, all the heavy duty retching (I cannot express how strong my dry heaves had been for 24 hours at that point) I had given myself two internal hernias, which were very tightly packed. So I had multiple complications. To put it in perspective, 1% of people end up with an internal hernia at one site after RNY. Something like .001% end up with an internal hernia at both possible sites after RNY. Another small percentage <1% have a bowel blockage after RNY. I had all 3.. and a boatload of scar tissue. So I don't want to scare you, my results ARE NOT typical. I was in surgery for a while, he lysed the adhesions (broke them apart) and repaired the hernias and loosened the bowel. I was then in the hospital for a week with nothing by mouth. He sent pictures to, and talked to several of his colleagues about my complications. Four RNY surgeons with over 6000 surgeries between them had never seen anything like that. The scary part is, I could have scarred up again from the second surgery, it could still be happening right now. I kind of figured I'd have a stricture from the stoma scarring shut, but it hasn't happened thank goodness. Hopefully I'm done with complications. I felt really great after the original surgery, but very very bad after the second one. Its taken a long time to get my energy back and I still don't think I'm 100%. BUT, I would do it again because I feel good now. Immeidately after the second surgery I had a lot of doubts and probably would not have recommended it to anyone, not even my worst enemy. But the trauma always fades from your memory and the good things that are happening now are worth it. Take care of yourself, Jenn