Really bad SAD?
I don't know what is wrong with me. All I want to do lately is sleep. I am so tired, plus had another migraine today. I can't seem to get into the office and can barely check in via email. I feel like I am drowning. I don't understand what is going on.
I do have SAD, plus I have a big project at work that seems not able to move without me. It's the dark time of year, plus very cold here lately.
I had been trying to get an exercise program going at the pool and was very excited about the informational meeting with the surgery group I'm interested in.
Between my SAD, extra family stress and awful work stress, I think my systems are just shutting down. I also had some recent med changes. My doc changed my anti-depressant to 2x the prev dose, taken 2x a day now. It is also supposed to help fibromyalgia, which my podiatrist says I have, altho my PCP has not mentioned it - and I do not always remember the dx codes to run home and look them up.
I am also now taking pain meds - T4, which I think makes me tired.
I also overdid it last week.
On Thursday I had to clarify something with some internal customers, who are at the far SE corner of the 4th floor. I took my new colleague along so she could meet people, and it ended up being a much longer visit that I intended with more standing that I planned on. So I was pretty tired when I was done. Plus a walk or two over across my own floor to see my boss & team members.
On Friday I had to take my daughterto the eye doc (corneal abrasion emergency) & then to her work to drop off the doc's note. I should have grabbed a riding cart, but I did not think it would be long. Well, it was long. Kimmie ended up getting me a riding cart 1/2 way through.
Then on Saturday, I tackled one of the worst messy areas in the house - the Dinner table area because (a) I want to put up a mirror for good Feng Shui, (b) I need to make room for the recliner I want to buy to sleep in and (c) I also want to do a bit of Christmas decorating. I got the worst 1/2 of that area done and then took a nap. That was Saturday afternoon.
I've pretty much been sleeping since then.
I think I am just exhausted.
Anyone have any insights?
Yes, I do have sleep apnea - have been on a C-Pap for about 11 years. I had a change in C-Pap equipment about 2 months ago to a smarter machine that only gives me the pressure it senses I need. Maybe it is not sensing right - I never thought of that possibility.
I am due to see my sleep doc sometime soon - if this persists I will sure ask!
It might well be the change in meds.
on 12/12/07 2:29 am - San Antonio, TX
I think the lack of fluids idea is definitely part of the migraine trigger this time. Good detective work, Dunny! Because I was sleeping so much from being exhausted, I wasn't doing my usual amout of drinking - either caffiene & energy drinks plus Gatorade & water. When the shots of Imitrex were not working on the headache, I drank a bunch of strong coffee and then promptly fell asleep.
I know I'll need to quit carbonated drinks, but I'm pretty addicted to my afternoon Sobe No Fear/Rockstar - diet, of course!
This was pretty instructive as to how I'm going to need to wean myself off the above substances.
I probably should explore the fibromyalgia further. I have a really bad record of taking care of myself. Since I've decided to pursue WLS I have been spending much more time at various docs taking care of things I have put off.
It just takes so much energy to haul all this fat around with me. I'm so tired that I am having trouble walking at work, but my PCP says that if I get into a wheelchair, I'll never get out.
I'm really considering a rolling walker that I can sit on.
Thank you for the hug - I needed it.
I've already got a light box, but did not use it the last few days when I had a migraine. I have 2 actually - an older, large full spectrum one and a newer one from the same co. (Apollo) that is smaller, more portable and is Blue Ray.
I'm better today, only took one T-4 yesterday. Awake longer today as well. I see my shrink tomorrow morning. Oh, and I'm also vitamin D deficient - am on mega doses.
I've only started recently to let go of my issues with needing a cane. At first, I was also embarassed and didn't always use it when I should have. Then I remembered how my mother fought a walker and how much better she got around once she accepted it. I had vowed to myself at the time to accept help to make life easier for myself. It's hard to do for me, but I try.
I've discovered that canes can we very useful gadgets - pressing elevator buttons w/o that last step, pulling stuff you dropped closer. Think of it as a fashion accessory.