Pics posted, gone for 3month check-up

Julie ~
on 12/9/07 12:51 pm
I followed your instructions, Jenn, but it was, uh, not as easy as you make it sound for this old lady to get her pics from Flickr to OH. Both my computer, my operating system and my working knowledge of systems are fast becoming archivable. I had a heck of a time figuring out OH's different places to make changes (profile vs. msg board). It all seems so unnecessarily complicated. Where is MS-DOS when you need it? That said, I think I managed to get some before and current pics to my profile page. I know I have lost over 100 lbs, I feel different and am wearing smaller clothes. But I have to look really hard at the pictures to see the difference. Friends have helped by pointing out specific changes, but I hope this will become more apparent with time. I'm off to Boston Monday, if the ice/snow storm isn't too bad, to have my 3-month check-up and get my first blood-tests done. I'll also get to see a NUT for the first time since pre-op in May!!!!! Thank goodness I have switched programs!! Wish me luck, Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


on 12/10/07 12:56 am - CO
MS-DOS?  Perhaps you can't see the difference already, but I can!  You look terrific!  It took me a long time to believe that the thinner person I saw in the mirror was actually me.  It particularly caught me by surprise one day when I was shopping and caught a full length view of myself in the mirror. A big UGH to driving in the ice and snow.  Why is winter necessary?  It should just snow where the ski resorts and water tables are, and leave the rest of us alone!  Oh, well, at least I don't need to use a walker any more.  That was always fun in the snow (NOT). Kix



Julie ~
on 12/10/07 7:53 am
Well I think MS-Dos was more intuitive than Windows is today. But then I also think Corporate tax returns are fun I love winter! I just believe that asphalt should be made with a chemical that immediately defrosts ice and snow. It can snow all it wants as long as the roads stay clear. I saw my new surgeon today and he wants me to email him my pics. He also told me that it will take some time to see the difference visually, that it is normal. He's quite amazing. Really understands the psychological dynamics behind the surgery. Thanks for the reassurance. I've stopped looking at them and am focusing on how I feel and the clothes I am wearing. Oh, and I can eat shrimp now. YIPEEEE!!!! -Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


(deactivated member)
on 12/10/07 1:24 am - San Antonio, TX
Aww, I'm sorry it didn't work easily for you.  I think I misunderstood what you wanted to do, I thought you wanted to post them in a message like I did - I didn't realize you wanted to post them in your account profile.  Anyway, you look great and I can see a difference!  Sometimes I can't see it on me, even in pictures, but I feel a difference for sure.  Do you?  Congrats on 3 months, glad you switched to a program that will take better care of you, and good luck with the vampires! 
Julie ~
on 12/10/07 7:45 am
Jenn, what you wrote gave me some clues to get me where I ended up, so it was really helpful. I just wanted to smack you silly for saying it was so easy and fun!!! NOT!!! Actually, I'm one of those people who actually reads the manuals and I am now having trouble following directions on the computer. I figure it's one of two things. Either my using Win98, or the menopause. (Personally, I think it's the former, more than the latter). I have another computer question (hopefully I'll get a new one after the new year). When a company lists memory as something like 1024MB, hows does that translate to GB? -Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


(deactivated member)
on 12/10/07 8:19 am - San Antonio, TX
that's 1G - 1000MB is a gig - Glad you like your doc!
on 12/10/07 2:11 am - central pa, PA
I would love to see your pictures, but i cant since your profile is private. Could you add me so i can see it. Ty.


Julie ~
on 12/10/07 7:40 am
Hi, Until you wrote I hadn't realized it was private. The pictures said it was visible to everyone. Once I explored further I found where I had to unclick something. Oy, I find this site too confusing. I am adding you as a friend anyway, in case I mess up again, and so I remember to keep an eye on you (hehe). -Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


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