Gym is Open (Thursday 12/6)
Today was weights day, but since I've been getting a little bored with the usual I decided to change things up a bit.
I did my usual 10 minutes of warm up walking (which is getting hard to do since half of our treadmills are broken!) then spent 30 minutes on upper and lower weights. Then I did 20 minutes of sprints, running for 2 minutes, then walking for 2 and I speed it up each time I run. Boy does it get me going - I am drenched in sweat by the time I am done. Next week I'm going to start to intersperse my sprints with lifting weights - a friend told me he had begun doing this new workout where he lifts, then runs for 2 minutes, then lifts, etc. It's suppose to really push your aerobic capabilities and I'm hoping it will help when I start snowshoeing in January.
And I'm still a little sore from Pilates - I recommend that class for anyone who wants to push yourself, it really works the whole body!
Ive been back at the gym the last couple of weeks so I guess it's time I participate in this thread again!!
For today:
20 min. treadmill (incline 11-12, 3.3mph)
30 min. Precor elliptical (incline 8 resistance 8)
10 min. bike (level 10, went about 3 miles)
5 min. Stairmaster - I'm trying to build up on this since it's done amazing things for my friend's legs and butt!
I did a couple shoulder and back machines but not too much weigh training today, I was a little pressed for time!
HI Kix,
I taught my 1 hour water aerobics class then ran a bunch of errands -- but it sounds like your errand list was longer than mine, and I didn't have to get a new battery!
I will spend part of Friday with my 7 & 8 year old neices at the San Diego Wild Animal Park walking around and seeing the animals. It's raining, but hey - we have umbrellas!