Kristy R.
on 12/4/07 2:29 pm - Payette, ID
Hello, Last night I dumped for the first and last time, I thought I had and have been very careful, there is no doudt that it was dumping, I made a 3 oz turkey burger and earlier in the week my Dh and a few of his co-workers met at the house and ate wendys, well my DH likes the BBQ sause for his fries and left some in the fridge, I thought well a teasppon or table spoon wont hurt on my turkey burger, I was told I could use condaments sparenly, (WELL MAKE SURE THEY ARE LOW IN SUGAR OR SURGER FREE) because I put about a tablespoon is what is in this small serving size, AND I DUMPED LIKE YOU WOULD NOT BELEIVE.  I was So nauseas, I had the heaving of vomiting but nothing came out I was sweating, Heart felt like it was going to beat out of my cheast, was weak, dizzy, I was shaking so bad felt like I was going to pass out, was metally confused, nervous, had diarrhea and then fell asleep and woke up at 245 am and felt fine, now I am pretty sure I dumped on that damn bbq sause, I called wendys and talk to the manager and he said for one container which has one tablespoon there is 8 grams of surger, I was like holy Fu*king cow! NO MORE CONDIMENTS FOR ME THAT DOES NOT SAY SURGER FREE OR LOW SUGAR!  THIS SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME AND MADE ME FEEL SO BAD! Now this is just the experience I had, not everyone will experience this, Everyone is differn't and has differm't experiences, just thought I would let you know. here is the pic of the extra container that was in the fridge. LESSON LEARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on 12/4/07 2:32 pm - CO
I don't use any condiments from fast food places, they are loaded with sugar.  Go to Wally's and get the low-carb KC Masterpiece sauce.  It's pretty good, and low in sugar.  Or, make your own using low-carb catsup. Kix



Kristy R.
on 12/4/07 2:58 pm - Payette, ID
Hey Kix, thanks, it was really trying something new for the first time out of my confort zone to add a little flavor, ye my a$$! thank for the Kc master peice idea, Really thanks.  Kristy

Jeanine F.
on 12/5/07 2:00 am - Clifton Park, NY
Sorry for being such a boob Kristy...I just noticed that you had your surgery in Oct! DUH!  ANyway, sorry to hear of your dumping episode. I too was going to suggest that you make your own with splenda. There are great recipes on the internet.  That must have been pretty scary to you!  Its amazing how our bodies react to certain things. Glad you're feeling better.  HUGS  Jeanine


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