Gym is Open (Tuesday 12/4)

on 12/4/07 5:33 am - CO
Cleaning the kitchen ceiling?    Now I've heard everything! I did 1.1 miles around the lake, but the combination of the wind and my recouperating lungs wore me out sooner than I expected, so no rec center for me.  I feel fine until I start doing vigorous exercise, then I start couging. My appt with the surgeon went well.  I posted more information in a separate post.  I do NOT miss Blobby at all and am glad he went to skin heaven. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/4/07 6:40 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Understand that I wasn't planning to clean the kitchen ceiling.  I was trying to wipe a spot off the ceiling, but wiping the spot revealed just how dirty the ceiling was!  Once I had swiped, I was committed to cleaning the entire thing.  Or moving to a new house.  Somehow cleaning seemed the lesser of two evils, although not by much...   Glad you got in the walk around the lake, although it sounds like you still need to take it easy for a while.  Ease yourself back into things -  Are you sure Blobby went to heaven???  I was thinking he'd wind up some place a little hotter than that... Kellie
on 12/4/07 2:29 pm, edited 12/4/07 2:30 pm - CO
My sister notices things like that.  She can eyeball an errant spot on the rugs, or walls, or ceiling fan, at 1000 yards.  Me, if it's not in front of my face, I don't pay attention.   My thing is kitchen counters -- I can't stand dirty kitchen counters, and when my sister heavily salts her food, she shakes the salt all over the place as though she was participating in a Shinto purification ceremony.  Either that, or a sumo match!    She isn't one to wipe off the counters, either, so it seems like all I ever do is wipe salt off counters.  I quit asking her to wipe off the counter because then she wipes it onto the floor!  Oy!  Hm, you're right, I'll bet Blobby went on the express elevator to the basement, since he put me through so much hell, it's only fair that he go there, too! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/4/07 5:21 am
I'm trying something new tonight - Pilates. My balance is so bad that someone suggested I try it to work on my stumbling nature. They have a free class every Tuesday night where I live so I am taking advantage of it. I did take Pilates once before and couldn't believe how sore I was! I was going to walk at lunch today since it was so pretty but ended up working through lunch. Too bad, I really wanted to enjoy this weather! Have fun at the surgeons
on 12/4/07 5:37 am - CO
The wind is blowing at about 100 mph (ok, not really, but it sure feels like it) on my side of town.  It was all I could do to keep my little mobile on the freeway.  When I went into town for my appointment, the wind is hardly blowing at all.  I think Kaiser was having a two for one special or something today, the place was packed.  Everyone trying to spend their FSA dollars before year's end, no doubt. Let me know how the Pilates works out.  I'm not sure I could do it since I don't trust my ability to get up from the floor.  You did miss a nice walk in the weather, but you would have needed boulders in your pockets to keep from going aloft. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/4/07 8:14 pm
we didn't have any wind at work, it was pretty quiet. But once I got home last night I definitely felt the wind - just about blew me over! I can handle just about any type of weather but wind - hate it, hate it, hate it! Is there really any good reason for wind to be around, does it do any good at all? I don't think so. The Pilates was tough! This class was mostly standing up with some floor work at the end. Even though my balance is all off when I am standing, I do much better standing since I tend to get dizzy when I lay down. I'm not too sore this morning either, which I was expecting. I will say this, it's a great workout - I was drenched in sweat by the end of it and every muscle was quivering. What I liked about it was that it targeted some of my problem areas (my gluts are so tight you could bounce a coin off of them!) so i'm hoping this helps me with those problem areas. The nice thing about the class is that she made modifications if the move was too tough, so you can make it easier if you want. There were some positions that there was no way I was going to be able to do!
on 12/4/07 5:26 am - CO
I did not get to the rec center, but I did walk 1.1 miles around the lake at the park near the rec center.  The wind is howling like crazy, so I feel like I walked an extra mile just trying to stay upright.   It really is a beautiful day today, the winds must be coming from the south.  I'm in the mood to go rake leaves, but it's impossible with the wind howling like it is.   Kix



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