Gym is Open (Monday 12/3)

on 12/3/07 12:05 am - CO
The gym is open.  This will be my first day actually exercising in a week -- my stupid cold kept me pretty close to home most of the time. I plan to go for a walk at the mall, and if it doesn't kill me after all that time off, I'll go to the rec center and do something. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 12/3/07 12:23 am - somewhere
My usual Monday morning routine: 15 mins elliptical 30 mins lower body weight training 15 mins elliptical I just love this rut I seem to be stuck in!  LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 12/3/07 2:06 pm - CO
I'm a firm believer in ruts, myself.  Keep up the good work! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/3/07 12:54 am - San Antonio, TX
I walked for 20 min this morning and then I took the stairs at work.  I am not officially as gym member yet - my husband was able to sign up through work but we have to talk to someone at the gym to add me.  Unfortunately husband isn't really available at the times when the business office is open - until Wed, maybe Thurs.  He has finals both those days and Sat, so we may not even get me signed up until Thurs or Sat.  I want to start but I am nervous also.  I don't want to be stared at or laughed at.  Hopefully it will be a positive experience, because he is locked in to the membership for quite a while unless he changes jobs.  At least its cheap!  I think it will be good for him too, I hope we make the most of it.  He's gaining weight while I'm losing, and he's starting to get upset about it.  Stop eating my leftovers! He's also been completely grumpy and tense since joining the world of desk jobs.  He seemed calmer when he had a more physical job.  Here's hoping that's the problem, anyway. 
(deactivated member)
on 12/3/07 2:48 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'm super happy for you about getting a gym membership!  I can totally relate to being nervous, but you will be fine.  Everyone at my gym has been super supportive -- staff and other gym members alike.  At first I was worried about people staring at me, but I quickly realized they didn't give a darn, they were there to exercise just like me!  And the ones that did give a darn are too busy preening in the mirrors to even pay attention to me :-) You're going to be just fine!!! Kellie
on 12/3/07 2:09 pm - CO
Dunny, I was nervous when I first started going to the rec center.  Truth be told, no one will pay any attention to you until you start being a "regular," and then people will stop to chat, etc., but no one will be laughing and pointing at you.  Just go and enjoy! I've watched my sister gain weight as I've lost weight.  Now she is threatening to accompany me on my exercise activities while she's off during the Christmas holidays (2.5 weeks).  EEK!  I really enjoy my exercising... alone. Good job on the walk, and the stairs! Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 12/3/07 7:00 pm, edited 12/3/07 7:01 pm - somewhere
I'm just so glad my gym is at work and is accessible with our key card 24 hrs a day.... I love having the place to myself at 3 in the morning, LOL I WORKOUT ALONE  because I LIKE IT LIKE THAT!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 12/3/07 6:00 am - CO
I did my mile walk at the mall, and I was really worn out afterwards!  Scary how out of shape one gets after just taking a week off from exercising. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/3/07 7:56 am
Colds are such a pain and I think everyone is getting one this year! And it's a nasty one too - I got lucky and mine never progressed beyond a basic irritation. But everyone around me has been miserable. I was sick all last winter so this year I am determined to not get sick!! Today was running day - I did a 6 minute warmup with walking, then 28 minutes of running and 5 minutes cool down. I spent yesterday rock climbing and was so sore when I got up that I seriously considered snuggling back into bed, but I thought better of it and I'm glad I did - felt much better afterwards. I'm like Dunny, this is my last week of school!!!! I am so ready for a break and in desperate need of some sleep -  4 hours a night is just not cutting it. I am way too old to be doing this
on 12/3/07 2:12 pm - CO
This cold could have been a lot worse, but the way it's lingering is a bit annoying.  While I was doing my walk at the mall today, I had to stop three times to drink water and cough up furballs.  It was good to get my lungs pumping again, though. Four hours sleep a night?  Oy!  I'd fall down dead.  I start school again in January.  I'm working on a certificate in Emergency Management and Planning (FEMA stuff) offered at Red Rocks which I think will be a good adjunct to my public health background.  Finishing my MS degree nearly killed me, but I'm hoping a certificate program won't be nearly as wearing.  We'll see. I see you've gone incognito! Kix



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