My first big WOW moment, YEAAAAAAA!!!
Well I am down 66.5 pounds down and I have lost 10 points on my BMI YEAAA, Just thought I share, hope everyone is doing okay.
We are going to go ride cho cho train tomorrow in horseshoe bend, the train ride is called North pole express, everyone gets to go to the north pole to see Santa, they have the town we go into dressed up like the north pole and have elfs and everythng, and everyone getd cookies and either coffee or hot choclate, but i will have my trustee string cheese and my mug or water, I might have a cup of decaf coffee if they have it, but prob will stick with my water, which I am fine with. Hope you are all doing well. take care Kristy
P.S All make sure we take some photos, Spencer is excited!