Adventures in Oakland (long)

on 11/18/07 2:37 pm, edited 11/18/07 2:58 pm - CO
Hi, everyone! I had a great time in Oakland!  This was my first airplane trip by myself since before my health went bad, so we're talking at least five years.  WLS really has given me my life back. Southwest Airlines has gone to a new (idiotic) boarding system where you board not only by letter but by number, too.  My number was A18.  Folks in Denver hadn't figured this out yet, so when it was time for the A group to board, everyone was lolling around the gate trying to figure out what to do.  Not Kix!  I took advantage of the situation by going up to the gate agent, handing over my boarding pass, and thus was the first one on board!  Woohoo!  Fellow Californians who fly Southwest know how to play the game, and how exciting it is to score by being the first one on board.   The flight itself was uneventful.  I'm still gobsmacked that I can fit (with room to spare) in one airplane seat.  I was equally gobsmacked to discover I fit (with room to spare) in the airplane bathroom.  I was also able to walk briskly throughout the airport, and haul my suitcase 9000 blocks from the rental car building to the rental car pickup area. Oakland has changed a lot since I've been away!  I almost don't recognize it any more!  The airport (which was practically a Sears Tuff Shed not that long ago) is now huge and sleek. Lots of urban renewal, some of which I have mixed feelings about. The retirement parties were fun.  I enjoyed people's reactions to my new appearance.  I'd go up to people I knew and say, "Remember me?"  They'd look confused until I said my name, then they'd freak out.  One former colleague, upon realizing it was me, said, "Girl!  No!"  (hug hug hug) then "Girl!  No!" (hug hug hug).  It was great!  At the luncheon, the emcee made me stand up and acknowledged that I came all the way from Denver for the party.  Oy.    They gave me a door prize (Ghiradelli chocolates, oy!).  We had soul food for lunch (chicken, greens, mac and cheese) and I devoured my entire portion.  It was outstanding! At dinner, I saw more people who were shocked when they saw how I'd changed.  Dinner was a buffet, so I had a spoonful of everything that looked like it wouldn't kill me, and it was more than enough.  A good time was had by all.  The friend who was retiring was beyond happy that I made it to her party, and happy that my health has recovered so dramatically. I spent the following day shopping at Costco for Caspers Hot Dogs and Trader Joe's in Emeryville and bought so much stuff to bring home to CO, I had to run over to the sporting goods store to get an inexpensive duffel bag to haul my bounty home.  I'm going to have to write to Governor Ritter (our gov in CO) and tell him I shouldn't have to drag a big suitcase full of food home just because CO won't get a Trader Joe's, so please fix whatever stupid law is keeping TJ's from opening here!  I also visited my old condo in Emeryville, and went to my favorite spot, the Berkeley Marina, where I took a long walk and had lunch at the Seabreeze Cafe (catfish with hot sauce, yum!).  As you know, there was a terrible oil spill in the San Francisco Bay recently and it was tough walking around the Bay because the petroleum smell was so overpowering, it was like having a gas nozzle up one's nose.    There are also signs posted saying if you find oiled birds, please notify the hazmat teams working on cleanup throughout the Marina.  Flying home, I sat next to an unusual couple.  I thought at first they were mother and son, but the way the woman was touching the young man seemed kind of inapprorpriate for a mother-son to behave.  Also, the woman had on a wedding ring and the young man was wearing a gold band on his wedding finger.    I wondered whether this was another case of older teacher stealing young student for nefarious purposes!  She really was a sea hag, and I was shocked to learn she was only 41.  In dog years, maybe.  He looked 16.  I was dying to ask about their relationship, but good manners prevailed, and I didn't do so, darn it! Anyway, sorry for the long travelogue, but I did have a blast, and I wil post a few pictures on my profile.  I don't have any of the party, but a friend said she'd email copies to me, so I will post those later. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/18/07 9:42 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Sounds like a great trip, Kix.  Glad you enjoyed the trip and visiting with old friends.  Look forward to seeing pictures when they're available -  Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 11/18/07 10:42 pm - San Antonio, TX
Sounds like you had a lot of fun.  I heard about the oil spill, and I heard there was a lot of effort to cover up how severe it was.  I was planning to visit a friend in SF this March, I hope its a lot cleaner by then, even though the entire wildlife population will probably be decimated.  Southwest, I haven't flown with them since they started making fat people buy two seats... I understand the reasoning, but they seemed to be especially nasty about it.  I look forward to seeing your pictures!
on 11/19/07 3:53 am - VALLEJO, CA

Hi Kix,

I guess I missed the post saying you were coming up to my neck of the woods. Glad you had a good time. The oil spill is a mess, it is so sad to see all those poor birds. Yes Oakland airport has grown so much. Which is good because SFO is a miserable airport..too huge. Its much nicer to fly out of Oakland. (not that I fly) but I have to drop off and pick up alot and Oakland is much easier.

Enjoy those Casper dogs...


on 11/19/07 5:08 am - Glendora, CA

Kix -

Glad you had a good time, I love reading about your adventures!

Oakland is so different than it used to be. My girlfriend live in Plesanton and we'd fly in and out of Oakland since it was easier for her than SFO. I wanna be nosey and find out what you bought at Traders Joes?  If you ever really want anything I'd be glad to send it to you, we're surrounded by TJ's.

I know I can, I know I can
Julie ~
on 11/19/07 7:29 am
What a great adventure you went on, Kix. You must've felt like breaking into a song and dance a trillion times as you kept experiencing all those things you could now do. I'm so happy for you! Thanks for writing and giving us the scoop. And do write the gov, I bet it'll be one of the most well-reasoned letters he'll get on the subject! -Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


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