16 months ago today!
Hong Kong and Manila - I'm scheduled to leave Dec 1st if all goes well with our contracts. I'm not holding my breath since they've been telling me I'd go in August!
The owner of the company is throwing the Hong Kong part in as a bonus to me ( I have no work to do there), it's my dream to go shopping at Stanley Market. So if it works out I'll go there for 3 days before going on to Manila for work. Stanley market is a huge open air market, one thing I want to do is go pick out silk and have a blouse made, they measure you and make it within 24 hours. Also the same with hand knit sweaters. Of course I'll get some Christmas shopping in too! It scares me a tiny bit to be going alone, but I'll manage, I'm a little bit excited too even though I don't want to be in case it doesn't work out. I let you know about the support group!