Gym is Open (Tuesday 11/13)

on 11/12/07 2:15 pm - CO
My nephew turns 35 today.  35!  I remember when he was a bologna loaf in the hospital, it seems like yesterday. Opening the gym now, and I'll post my exercise later. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 11/12/07 8:26 pm - somewhere
15 mins elliptical 30 mins upper body weight training 15 mins treadmill torture is done for the day... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 11/12/07 11:39 pm - st.catharines, Canada
Normal one hour walk with the dog. Yesterday shopping with the kids fro 4 hours!...My freakin' knee is killing me! This will be the last time I buy OVER SIZED WINTER PANTS!!!! EVER!!!!!
on 11/13/07 12:58 pm - CO
Your dog must be highly obedient.  Our doxie is incorrigible when he's on his leash -- I'd walk with him in the park, but he's so busy pulling and investigating and trying to be the boss of everyone on the path that I don't get any significant exercise.  Our shih tzu is good on the leash, but he is lazy and sits down once he's determined he has had enough walking for the day. What kind of dog do you have? Kix



on 11/13/07 12:55 pm - CO
It looks like you get your exercise out of the way bright and early!  I admire that! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 11:17 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Oy - my oldest niece is 25 now and, like you, I remember when she was a bologna loaf in the hospital.  Not quite sure how she's 25 since I don't really feel that much older.  Must have something to do with the space-time continuum...   I'm going to gym at lunch for cardio.  The gym is pretty busy at lunch time, so what I do will depend on what equipment I can get.  Am hoping for some time on the rowing machine, then maybe the stairstepper.  Either way, I'll do 45-50 minutes.   Good luck to everyone finding the time, energy, and motivation to move it today! Kellie
on 11/13/07 12:59 pm - CO

Kellie, my oldest niece turned 37 recently.  Not sure how they can be getting older when I'm still 18. I meant to ask if your new car has arrived yet? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/13/07 1:14 am, edited 11/13/07 1:14 am
Today was weights day - did 15 minutes of walking for warmup, then 30 minutes on upper and lower body. The rest of my day, after working this morning, will be spent cramming for a test tomorrow.  And then it's fall break!! Woohoo!! Boy, do I need a break from this class. I'm hoping to try a new workout during my break, kind of a interval training with weights that my study partner is doing. Sounds like a challenge and right now I need a challenge - I'm getting kind of bored with my weights workout. By the way, I think I have a date. And not even with someone on E-harmony, but the guy I went hiking with on Sunday. Doesn't it figure that now that I have paid for a dating site, I get asked out by someone else?! 
on 11/13/07 1:02 pm - CO
I start my Emergency Management and Preparedness program over at Red Rocks in January, and I need to write myself a note to be sure and sign up for my class at the end of this month.  I missed fall semester by a week because I wasn't paying attention to the schedule. Hm, a date?!  I vaguely remember what those are.  Do keep us posted! Kix



on 11/13/07 3:17 am - Ontario, CA
Howdy Kix and the exercise gang! This morning, I taught a 1 hour water aerobics class.  This was a hard workout and my thighs, butt and abs feel it today!  It was very similar to last nights workout, andboth John and I commented this moring that we were sore!

31 lbs lost before surgery
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