Well, I went to my high school reunion on Saturday. I had an awesome time! It was *****in'. I graduated in 1989.
I moved from my home-town before I graduated, so it was super awesome to see the faces from 20 years ago!
I'm really glad I went. Yep, I was the FATTEST one there. But, I tell you there were girls there who sat in the corner. No, not me...
Social buterfly that I was - i flitted'bout the room all night!
I hqve to say I can't wait for the official 20 year reunion...I won't be the FATTEST in the room!
It was not hard for me to go. I have always been bigger than most. But, never this big. But I am sooooo glad I went!
Well, back to the grind! I'm off to work. My knees are killing me from all the standing I did on Saturday night. That, and the 800 kilometers I drove!
I hope you all have an awesome Tuesday!