Gym is Open (Monday 11/12)

on 11/11/07 11:58 pm, edited 11/11/07 11:59 pm - CO
To quote an old DJ I used to listen to when I lived in L.A. a century ago:  "It's Monday!  Get your cracks out of the sack!  Move it!"  (Richard Slade, KROQ-FM) Our glorious weather has disappeared.  It looks like another cold front has swooped down on us from the Northwest, but we aren't expecting much moisture at all.  It's definitely a sweatsuit kind of day.  One of my neighbors does her power walk in the neighborhood and I noticed today she's dressed like an Eskimo.  Guess that means I'm walking at the mall today!  My plan for today is to finish up this job application for a state gig (it's due tomorrow), shower, and then go to the rec center for some exercise and try to fit in a walk as well. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 11/12/07 12:24 am - somewhere
Monday, Monday, do do do te do te do..... I've got that song stuck in my head.... LOL 15 mins elliptical 30 mins lower body weight training 15 mins elliptical and I'm having that age old argument in my head over whether or not I should do 30 mins on the treadmill when I get home this evening.... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 11/12/07 2:06 pm - CO
I did not want to exercise on Sunday, and had to tell myself that I wasn't allowed to go to the grocery and cash in my lotto scratcher ($50****il I did my walk at the mall.  I wanted my $50, so I did my walk at the mall.  The mall was crowded, too, with lots of zombies and mouth breathers who couldn't manage to stay out of my way when all I was doing was walking!  The mall paths are quite wide, too, it's not like they needed to get in my way. Did you get the 30 minutes done at home, or did the brain win tonight?   Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 5:39 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
You live in Colorado; isn't the saying something like "if you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes"???  Hopefully that's still true and the cold front will pass quickly.  Otherwise, pull on your mukluks and keep right on steppin'!!!   I hit the gym at lunch and lifted weights for upper and lower body.  I wore my heart-rate monitor so I could get some idea about how many calories I burn while lifting weights, and what my average heart rate is.  Turns out that my average heart rate was around 95 BPM and I burned around 250 calories.  My highest heart rate was 153 BPM.  So I suspect that my heart rate goes up while I'm actually lifting, but pops right back down when I stop.  Which is okay by me, since recovery time is an indicator of how healthy your heart is...   I had such fun at lunch that I'm going back for cardio after work.  If the rowing machine is available, I'll do that for 20-25 minutes, then spend another 20-25 minutes on the bike.  If someone's on the rowing machine, I'll probably just do 50 minutes on the elliptical trainer.  Boring, but it burns those calories!   Good luck to everyone finding the time, energy, and motivation to move it today!!! Kellie
on 11/12/07 2:02 pm - CO
Hm, maybe I should invest in a heart monitor.  Yep, Colorado's state motto is "If you don't like the weather, wait a half-hour."  I have learned to dress in layers and am almost skilled at taking off my sweatshirt in public without pulling off my other shirt and exposing my dangling boobies to the poor, unsuspecting folks.  I'd hate for anyone to go blind because of me!  "Just do 50 minutes on the elliptical"?  I honor you!  Kix PS:  I watched NBC News this evening and see that Brian Williams was in your neck of the woods.  Looked like he was practically doing the newscast in a monsoon, too.



(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 7:16 am
When I first got up this morning, it wasn't too bad (4am) But when I left the house later to head to class, it was much colder! I have to admit, I am missing summer and wearing my short skirts and flip flops. I really enjoyed not having to bundle up (this coming from the gal who use to keep her heat at 60 degrees cause she was so hot - my, how things have changed) I was sore from my marathon hike yesterday (8 hours to a place I've been before but it was completely different this time of year - winter is definitely here in the high country). I was going to run for 40 minutes this morning but between my sore back and a cramp in my side that would not go away, i opted for 25 minutes instead and then spent over 30 minutes stretching, which helped tremendously. Tomorrow i should be a little less sore and will attempt my 40 minutes. Keep up with that incline girl! You will be hiking with me all next summer if you keep it up. I saw that you broke your plateau too, woohoo!!
on 11/12/07 1:58 pm - CO
Ah, so my sister isn't the only person up at 4 AM?!  I try to avoid being awake at 4 AM, and so far, have done a pretty good job of it.  Glad to hear you enjoyed your hike -- is it significantly different hiking in the snow (I'm assuming you found snow up there)?   9 News says it will be 65 degrees tomorrow and 40 on Wednesday.  Gotta love Colorado! I can't believe how much I enjoy the treadmill when I'm doing the inclines.  When the treadmill is on a level setting, it's just boring, but I like pushing my rickety old body up those inclines.  I don't do the full 15 minutes at the highest incline -- treadmill is the last part of my workout after in-line machine and weights, so I'm already warmed up.  I start at 3 degrees for a couple of minutes, then up it to 7 degrees for 5 minutes, then up it to 12 or 13 and walk at that level as long as I can before my heart explodes, then I take it back down to 7, then 3, then crank it back up to 12 for a couple of minutes, then back down to 7, then 3, then a cool down on level.  I'm definitely sweating when I'm done. I'll just get fit enough for those hikes, and you'll be sprinting up and down the mountain!   Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 10:16 am - San Antonio, TX
I sat in the car all day today.  Definitely have to have a good workout tomorrow! 
on 11/12/07 1:50 pm - CO
OK, I think I need more information here.  Did you sit in the car on purpose?  Were you on punishment for something?  Did the car break down? Inquiring minds need answers! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/12/07 11:46 pm - San Antonio, TX
LOL - it felt like punishment!  My husband and I drove to see my family Sunday morning (6 hours), stayed about 24 hours, and then drove another 6 hours back Monday.  So yes, on purpose.  No, not punishment.  And thankfully no, the car is still running.  We also, technically, did stop once and use the bathroom so it wasn't 6 hours straight. 
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