Update regarding my abnormal xray and CT scann
Im back from the pulmunologist. His diagnosis was very similar to the first pulmunologist . He said that the mass it not in that lung that its a mass in the mediastinum. He said it was in the rear, behind the heart but next to the spine. He says that its most likely benign (not cancer) but thats not a 100%, but he highly doubts its cancer. i asked him how he knows its proberbly not cancer he said by the shape, and location, but he said you cant really 100% know until either the surgery or a biopsy is done. He said that they could be many causes. it could be something that was congenital, something that went wrong with the spine, a groth that stemed from the spine or something that i was born with.
He said that this is very rare, that he hasnt seen this type of thing in about 20years. He said its outside the airwair and not in the lungs. He said that my low pulmunary functions test is proberbly from me having athsma and has nothing to do with the mass. He dosnt think that the mass would affect the RNY beacuse its not in the way of where they would do the surgery, but he recomends that i have the mass removed first before having the RNY.
I asked why since i have no symptoms and since its not going to be in the way and he said that since the operation to remove the mass was a big one and risky, if i did the RNY first and a complication arose from the RNY, it would be a blockage or something in the way that needs to be delt with before the mass is removed. i think basically like they he donsnt want any chance that a complication from the RNY would happny and create more complication for the removal of the mass since its already high risk.
He then restated how the mass is outa the way but he just thinks its better to get the mass taken care of first before the RNY. He said once i see the thoracic surgeon and if he feels that i can have the RNY first and then do the thoracic surgery later, then he would sign off on it. He told me i can even have the thoracic surgeon i go to see call him while im there. I personally think he is aware that the mass wouldnt cause a problem with the RNY, but since there is a possibilitry of complication etc...he dosnt want to sign off , and dosnt want the liability....so basically if the thoracic surgeon signs off he will.
He says that since the mass is most likely benign, one surgery will take care of it and there should be no re occurance. He said that the removal of the mass cannot be done with the RNY, he said that the removal is complicated and the RNY can be complicated, its not something that will be done together. He said that the healing time would be about 4-6 weeks. He said tha that the thoracic surgeon will be able to give me clearer answers.
He ordered a metacholine challenge, a test that determines whether one has athsma or not. So i go see the thoracic surgeon on wed morning, and i have the apt for the methacholine challenge wed afternoon. i go back to see the pulmunologist on friday afternoon regarding the results of the methacholine challenge and what the thoracic surgeon says.
I just got a call that my bariatric surgeon decided after looking at the CT scann slides that he wont do the surgery unless the mass is taken care of or the thoracic surgeon and the pulmunologist sign of on it. They said that my aproval is good for 90 days, but if we have to go beyond a 90 wait, then they could call for an extension. The bariatric surgeons insurance cordinator said that i shouldnt have to redo all my pre op test. the only one i may have to redo is the blood work.
I went to my class this morning. wasnt really as concentrated as normal, but im working hard on doing the behavioral components. I plan on just taking time saturday and sunday to catch up and hopefully get lil bit ahead on my readings beacuse they are starting to pile up. I go through priods of being frustrated, sad and angry about this whole thing, but im trying to let go of my plans and accept my current reality...but its hard!
The hardest part for me is that i am so dam claose to surgery. ive been through so much for this process. ive been aproved. ive had my EGD and it was all normal, i have medical clearance except for i need the pulmunology clearance. I am so close that if a pulmunologist were to clear me for surgery today i could have surgery tomorrow! Being so close and having this delay is so hard
another difficult thing for me is that im going through all of this stufff, alota times i just feel like scraming, throwing a tantrum and just giving up....but i cant cause well the world dosnt stop for me. i still have school, finals coming up an less than 2 months etc... All i can say is thank god for theraphy!
Lessons for pre ops- although the journey for weight loss surgery is exciting, try not to get carried away and plan your whole future!!! yes you should look ahead, but realise that its VERY possible that something very unexpected could happen to change your plan. if your able to do this, if something dose arise it will be easier for you to handel and deal with emotionally.
Lessons for post ops- YOU ARE VERY BLESSED to have this surgery, so take full advantage of it and never forget each day that you have a new lease on life!
Lessons for me- well, this is a test. dont plan so much ahead that a change in my plans would devestate me and disorganize me. stay strong, trust in god, and so many more that i cant think of right now...
Please keep me in prayers, Thanks for your support, i truly appreciate it.
He said that this is very rare, that he hasnt seen this type of thing in about 20years. He said its outside the airwair and not in the lungs. He said that my low pulmunary functions test is proberbly from me having athsma and has nothing to do with the mass. He dosnt think that the mass would affect the RNY beacuse its not in the way of where they would do the surgery, but he recomends that i have the mass removed first before having the RNY.
I asked why since i have no symptoms and since its not going to be in the way and he said that since the operation to remove the mass was a big one and risky, if i did the RNY first and a complication arose from the RNY, it would be a blockage or something in the way that needs to be delt with before the mass is removed. i think basically like they he donsnt want any chance that a complication from the RNY would happny and create more complication for the removal of the mass since its already high risk.
He then restated how the mass is outa the way but he just thinks its better to get the mass taken care of first before the RNY. He said once i see the thoracic surgeon and if he feels that i can have the RNY first and then do the thoracic surgery later, then he would sign off on it. He told me i can even have the thoracic surgeon i go to see call him while im there. I personally think he is aware that the mass wouldnt cause a problem with the RNY, but since there is a possibilitry of complication etc...he dosnt want to sign off , and dosnt want the liability....so basically if the thoracic surgeon signs off he will.
He says that since the mass is most likely benign, one surgery will take care of it and there should be no re occurance. He said that the removal of the mass cannot be done with the RNY, he said that the removal is complicated and the RNY can be complicated, its not something that will be done together. He said that the healing time would be about 4-6 weeks. He said tha that the thoracic surgeon will be able to give me clearer answers.
He ordered a metacholine challenge, a test that determines whether one has athsma or not. So i go see the thoracic surgeon on wed morning, and i have the apt for the methacholine challenge wed afternoon. i go back to see the pulmunologist on friday afternoon regarding the results of the methacholine challenge and what the thoracic surgeon says.
I just got a call that my bariatric surgeon decided after looking at the CT scann slides that he wont do the surgery unless the mass is taken care of or the thoracic surgeon and the pulmunologist sign of on it. They said that my aproval is good for 90 days, but if we have to go beyond a 90 wait, then they could call for an extension. The bariatric surgeons insurance cordinator said that i shouldnt have to redo all my pre op test. the only one i may have to redo is the blood work.
I went to my class this morning. wasnt really as concentrated as normal, but im working hard on doing the behavioral components. I plan on just taking time saturday and sunday to catch up and hopefully get lil bit ahead on my readings beacuse they are starting to pile up. I go through priods of being frustrated, sad and angry about this whole thing, but im trying to let go of my plans and accept my current reality...but its hard!
The hardest part for me is that i am so dam claose to surgery. ive been through so much for this process. ive been aproved. ive had my EGD and it was all normal, i have medical clearance except for i need the pulmunology clearance. I am so close that if a pulmunologist were to clear me for surgery today i could have surgery tomorrow! Being so close and having this delay is so hard
another difficult thing for me is that im going through all of this stufff, alota times i just feel like scraming, throwing a tantrum and just giving up....but i cant cause well the world dosnt stop for me. i still have school, finals coming up an less than 2 months etc... All i can say is thank god for theraphy!
Lessons for pre ops- although the journey for weight loss surgery is exciting, try not to get carried away and plan your whole future!!! yes you should look ahead, but realise that its VERY possible that something very unexpected could happen to change your plan. if your able to do this, if something dose arise it will be easier for you to handel and deal with emotionally.
Lessons for post ops- YOU ARE VERY BLESSED to have this surgery, so take full advantage of it and never forget each day that you have a new lease on life!
Lessons for me- well, this is a test. dont plan so much ahead that a change in my plans would devestate me and disorganize me. stay strong, trust in god, and so many more that i cant think of right now...
Please keep me in prayers, Thanks for your support, i truly appreciate it.
Wow, you said it. That sure is hard stuff to hit you. You did an amazing job of processing it in your post, although I know your emotions are gonna be all over the place and then some.
I think tantrums do have their place, if done in private. Try getting in the car, driving to a secluded spot, and screaming your head off. Or lay on your bed, cover your head with a pillow, and kick you feet really hard while you scream into the pillow. Seriously, try it.
I liked your last advice, and want to add to it. "If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been advised where to tune in for further instructions". Good for you for realizing it wasn't an emergency, but just a postponement. It'll make the final prcess even more sweet.
Thinking of you,
I JUST KNOW YOU WILL BE A SUCCESS IN THIS JOURNEY!! How do I know? Your self talk is awesome. I read a book once called What to Say When You Talk to Yourself. Its unbelieveable when you really concentrate, how bad we talk to ourselves. You truly have a handle on this minor setback. You should be proud of yourself! Disappointment is one thing that could send us into an eating binge, but it sounds as if your head is in the right place. Stay focused and get over this last hurdle and you'll have your RNY sooner than you think. I'm routing for ya!! God Bless!
Thank You so much. This process is very hard especially with these developements, but like i said... thank god for theraphy. my therapist really helps me put things in prespective and helps me stay focused, and develope strategies on how to deal with my emotions...my job is just to practice it! :)
Thanks so much, i am really encouraged by your support