Question for C-Pap Users

Jeanine F.
on 11/9/07 8:03 am - Clifton Park, NY
I have an odd dilemma. I started using my C-pap machine on Monday. Come Tuesday, I have watery eyes, lots of sneezing & drippy nose. I KNOW its not a cold. I am not prone to colds and the few I've had are very typical starting with a sore throat. I have no sore throat, no fever, just this constant tickle in my nostrils, then my eyes water , feeling like a sneeze will come & then it doesn't. I have tried antihistamines with no luck. The damn company that brought the machine was of NO help stating this is not typical and I should call my MD. I called & explained and he said there was nothing he could give me unless it was a sinus infection (which I know its not) It feels more allergy related, though I don't have allergies. Sooooooooooooo I am miserable with this drippy nose and watery eyes. I sprayed my nose good with saline solution and that didn't help either! Also tried Claritan and Nasonex.  ANy suggestions from you mask wearers? Did this happen to you initially?


on 11/9/07 8:36 am - MI
I had the same trouble with my machine.  I thought it had just cleaned out my sinuses.  It did not last long.  Now that my surgery is over I cannot tolerate my machine.  My mouth nad nose gets very dry and I wake up with a sinus headache everyday.  I also have a bad taste (rubbery) in my mouth every morning.  I hope this too will get better with time or that I won't need that machine for much longer. Vikki Boos Portage, Michigan
Jeanine F.
on 11/9/07 8:48 am - Clifton Park, NY
Thanks for the info Vikki. Soooo how long before that drippy nose & watery eyes disappeared. I don't want my surgeon to think I have a cold on Tues and I won't be able to take any meds for it. I don't have dry mouth cuz my machine has a humidifier on it...doesn't yours?  Thanks for the info. I appreciate your feedback.


on 11/9/07 8:57 am - MI
It wasn't long - just a couple of days -  I was afraid they would cancel my surgery too but he didn't.  My machine does have a humidifier but it doesn't seem to stop the dryness.  Maybe I need to set it higher.  By the way when is your surgery?  and what kind are you having? Vikki
on 11/9/07 1:17 pm - CO
Vikki, sometimes the dry mouth feeling is caused by you sleeping with your mouth open.  If that's the case, you might need a full face mask (or a chin strap) in order to get the full benefit of the CPAP. Kix



on 11/11/07 1:07 pm - waycross, GA

Hey there, I too have a Cpap Machine w/ full mask. Ugh... I've been using the thing for over 6months and I'm still working with it. When I first started I had the watery eyes, dry mouth/ nose.  I noticed that the watery eyes went away after I re-adjusted the face mask. It was some how leaking air out and making my eyes watery.  Also I make sure to wash the hose, mask, and water tank once/week to every other week with anti-baterial soap. I'm going to try the turning off the humidifier to see if the dry mouth goes away, if not, I'll just start playing with the settings again. I hope you get better and everything starts acting as it should. Oh you have latex allergies?? or to the plastic?? that might be a thought.

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Jeanine F.
on 11/11/07 9:06 pm - Clifton Park, NY
Thanks Roxanna for sharing your info.  No I do not have a latex allergy. I'm a nurse and would surely know that since i deal with gloves all the time.  The respiratory therapist who set up the machine told me point blank NOT to use antibacterial soap, so I am using pure Ivory bar soap. I don't have a full face mask, I have the Mirage Nasal pillows which attach with the simple straps, one over the top of the head and one across the back of the head. Its quite comfy actually.  I still have watery eyes in the AM (not while I am sleeping) but it seems to be getting better since Sat.  I am using Nasonex twice daily...I stopped the antihistamine.  I hope this is just my body's way of getting used to this contraption. I am filling my humidifier every day!! When I blow my nose there is some blood, not a full blow bloody nose...but just a little.  When I wash my face, I can feel a sensitive area across my right cheek....but that seems better too. Tomorrow is THE I'm not gonna make any waves now. Hopefully this just gets better with time!  I wouldn't recommend you turning off your humidifier especially if you have DRY mouth...might wanna rethink that.  OK...clear liquids for me today..what fun!  At this point I don't even care...just want it OVER!  LOL  I'm sure some of you can relate.  HUGS to all.


on 11/13/07 12:48 am - waycross, GA
Oh I decided against turning the humidifier off. I actually turned it all the way up on high....guess what.. no dry mouth!!    I'm so glad that it is getting better. I wish you luck on your big day. I will keep you in my prayers!!

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(deactivated member)
on 11/9/07 9:35 am - San Antonio, TX
Hmm, I didn't have any problem like this.  On the contrary, my nose was dry for the first week or so.  Did you make sure all your filters were in?  Did you clean all the mask and hose parts before use?  They might be dusty or have a really plasticky smell that irritates your sinuses.  I washed everything really well before my first use  because of the plastic smell.
Jeanine F.
on 11/9/07 8:42 pm - Clifton Park, NY
Yes I have cleaned everything...I do not detect any plastic smell thats offensive. The filters were brand new, I don't have a pet and my home is brand new which means our furnace & ducts are not full of dust mites.  I spoke to the respiratory therapist at the equipment place...he totally says this is not typical and call my MD.  Its so damn frustrating when one professional passes the buck and the other says, sorry can't help ya!  If anyone has allergies, they know the feeling I mean. Nose inside is *****ly and you feel like a sneeze is coming on. Sometimes it does, but mostly it doesn't and then the eyes water and the nose drips clear.  Whenever I blow my nose its clear too.  Well today I am going to try talking to my pharmacist to see what antihistamine is best. I don't need this aggravation right now!   AArrrrggghhhhhhh!!  lol


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