Mortified to Ask This, But...

on 11/7/07 1:06 pm - CO
Have any of you ever had a "bathroom accident" without any warning at all? I was driving into town tonight to attend a fun event hosted by our pal PJ's WLS support group, and on the way there, I suddenly had to go to the bathroom.  Two seconds later, I pooped myself!  Ugh!  Without going into graphic detail, it was disgusting.  I had to turn around and come home.  Lucky for me, my sister wasn't home yet, so I could sneak into the house and be ashamed without her asking me "What's wrong?" every five minutes. I'm not a crier by nature, but I just stood in the shower and cried from embarrassment.    Then I had to hurry and do laundry.  I'm grateful it didn't make a mess in the car, blech! I did eat some chicken salad today.  I don't think it was spoiled, but it obviously did not agree with me at all. Earlier today, I was happy that Aunt Flo finally showed up after 67 days of PMS, but I'm not feeling too happy at the moment.   Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/7/07 8:16 pm
Ah hon, I'm so sorry that happened. i was wondering what had happened to you, you were missed. There have been times where I thought the same thing might happen to me and it happens all of a sudden. It's usually when I'm working out, so I'm a little closer to a restroom. But it always makes me nervous, especially with other people around. I can completely understand why you would cry! I would probably do the same, well, that and curse and yell at my freakin' weird body. I love that I have lost so much weight and feel great but my gastrointestinal system is a challenge. let me just say this - YOU SHOULDN'T BE ASHAMED!!! Now, say that out loud. You can't control everything, especially with that specially designed body you have. You will figure out what caused it and then you can be more cautious when you eat it again. Just don't feel bad about it - as a matter of fact, I'll bet that some day you will even laugh about it! (just knowing you and your sense of humor, I can definitely see some future jokes coming from this!) Keep that cute little head held high - you're an amazing woman who has come so far and done so much. Don't forget that when something like this happens. Love ya Pam ps-I'll post pictures of the night so you can see what happened. It was a beautiful and emotional night, everyone sharing their stories of how the surgery changed their lives.
on 11/8/07 12:32 am - CO

Ah, now I'm embarrassed again!    What a good pal you are!  I felt bad that I wasn't able to call you to let you know what happened.  I was stuck on traffic on the stupid hogback (some accident on 470/285 backed up traffic all the way up 70, the hogback, and Red Rocks).  We weren't moving at all, so I was pretty much trapped even if I'd had time to get to a public restroom, I wouldn't have been able to do so.  Nothing like stewing in your own s***t, no wonder babies cry loudly when they have full diapers. A guy friend of mine always says, "Never trust a fart."  I think I will have to embroider that on a sampler!    Other jokes that come to mind include punchlines such as "I'm no longer full of s**t" or as Dunny alluded to, "S**t happens." I'm sorry I missed the evening, I'm always inspired by hearing others' stories, and my WLS doesn't do stuff like that.  Although, perhaps it's a good thing I didn't get there, as I was bringing a platter of the chicken salad I ate earlier in the day.  I could have wiped out the whole room! Big hugs, Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/8/07 11:16 pm
There's that sense of humor I have grown to love! I figured you would bounce back pretty well. I had thought about giving you my number and next time I definitely will. We do have a special "Pants Over Skyridge" in January that I'll make sure and invite you to. It's a huge display at the front of the hospital with pictures and stories from those who have had surgery and I'll be one of the featured patients.  But no chicken salad for you that day!
(deactivated member)
on 11/7/07 10:04 pm - San Antonio, TX
It happens.  I haven't had it happen since surgery, but it happened when I was sick once, and it happened after I had my gall bladder out and I didn't make it to the bathroom in time.  Right now my "bathroom issues" go to the opposite extreme - I can't go at all sometimes.  Its happened to most everyone at least once in their lives , but most people probably wouldn't admit it if you asked them.  Maybe its the surgery, or you really might have had a reaction to the chicken salad, or maybe you've got a virus.  Or did you have to much sugar alcohol? (((((Kix)))))  Don't be ashamed, its ok.  Hope you bounce back soon
on 11/8/07 12:35 am - CO
Thanks, Dunny.  I feel a bit better about it today.  Like I said, I'm just glad my sister wasn't home.  She would mention it endlessly the rest of my natural life. I don't usually have this problem, either, so I'm thinking the chicken salad was too rich.  I avoid sugar alcohols, so as far as I know, I didn't consume any yesterday.  Or, I could have picked up some bug at Kaiser, Lord knows if you don't have something when you go to Kaiser, you'll certainly catch something while you're there. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/7/07 10:05 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
A great big hug to you, Kix.  Although this has not happened to me, I've come pretty darn close.  Sometimes when I have to go, I have to go RIGHT NOW.  My roommate, who has a family history of IBD and Crohn's disease, has problems with this issue, so I can really sympathize with how you feel.... {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} Kellie
on 11/8/07 12:37 am - CO
Thanks, Kellie: I developed irritable bowel after I had my gallbladder out in 1981, and if I didn't take fiber supplements, the bile would irritate my bowel and I'd have terrible diarrhea.  Since WLS, it has resolved itself. I think the chicken salad was the culprit, it was mighty rich.  I was taking a platter of it to the event, so perhaps this was the Higher Spirit's way of protecting the other attendees.  Otherwise, I could have taken out the entire room! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/8/07 2:05 am - MT
It hasn't happened to me ( cant say it never will though and there have been times when I wasn't so sure I WOULD make it to the potty before it was to late...) but I wanted to just say I am so sorry this happened to you! *SUPER BIG HUGS*
waddlesmorningssigtag-felicia.gif picture by Felicia647200
Valerie M.
on 11/8/07 3:28 am, edited 11/8/07 3:29 am - newfane, VT
Hey Kix... It's happened to me...and I haven't even HAD the surgery yet!!!  Now, I know you have quite a sense of humor... so, I hope you won't be offended when I say "**** Happens!!!"  It's just embarrassing as hell when it does... glad you were alone!!!  I'm on day 68 of PMS too... so, I know how that feels as well.... Someone stick a pin in me!!! Hope you're feeling better today. Valerie
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