Gym is Open (Tuesday 11/6)
OK, I'm back after my exercise and running errands.
I did 1.2 miles at the mall (not stopping to shop, but I did stop halfway to buy a bottle of water from the vending machine). Well, I also stopped at Target on my way out to the car (Target is my starting/end point) and bought two packets of soup mix. I'm making garden vegetable beef for dinner tonight and the packet is a good soup starter. I walked at a pretty good clip, which felt great!
I had to go in to town to pick up my pulse oximeter for tonight's sleep test. We're checking to see if I still need to use supplemental O2 at night with the CPAP. Wish me luck. I parked in the far parking lot at Kaiser Franklin and walked to the Skyline Bldg.
I then had to stop and get stew beef for the soup. Again, I parked far from the door and walked.
Went to the library to pick up my books, walked around there for a bit, then left.
I had to get home to start the soup, so I didn't get my weights in today. I left the house late because Southwest Airlines sent me an email this morning announcing last minute bargains to Oakland! Looks like I'll be going to the party after all. I'm only staying overnight this time, though.
Have to get back because we have family coming early for Turkey Week.
It really was a joy to do all that walking today. I like to keep moving.
I had my rock climbing class tonight and guess what...
I climbed a wall!! A couple of times!!! And let me just say that is was a very good workout. Between the actual climbing and the belay (where you control the rope for another climber) my arms feel like jello. My legs made out pretty well, no problem there. I've posted some pictures of my fun night here
I figure I climbed for about 30-40 minutes, so chalk that up for some good exercise tonight. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow - I'm gonna be sore!
It was the REI downtown - unbelievable wall. They have open climbing on Thursdays so guess what I am doing tomorrow night
I am completely, 100% hooked. Now the challenge will be to do this outside - I don't think I'm quite ready for that.
Looking forward to tonight! Can't wait to do my WLS striptease!! (For all of you who don't know what this is, i'll post a report tonight - this is just a little teaser to what should be a FUN night!)