I THOUGHT I would handle it better than this

on 11/6/07 2:44 am - Philadelphia, PA

No matter how vain you are or not it will bother you.  Being a former hairdresser I approached it proactively.  I didn't think I would lose any hair and I didn't.  I can't think of the shampoo and conditioner that I used but when I go home I will write it down.  It is supposed to be formulated for thinning hair.  Hair is dead. By the time you realize you are losing it the new growth will be coming in.  Try a short sassy hair do, blow dry you hair using a circular motion (dryer one hand other hand doing the circular work).  Finally don't worry about it you can't do a damn thing about it and it might not be a massive loss.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.



(deactivated member)
on 11/6/07 4:16 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'd go for the short, sassy do and keep right on steppin'!  You're doing the right things nutritionally in terms of proteins and supplements, so the only other thing you can adjust is your attitude.  I say go with a short, sassy haircut and enjoy it.  Your hair will grow back in just fine - mine did and I'm pretty sure most other folks did as well.  My hair loss lasted for about 3 months, then evened out.  This too will pass... Kellie
Tricie 40
on 11/6/07 4:56 am - Back Home For Good, IL
I thought that since I don't put chemicals in my hair that I would be different. WRONG! I walked around looking like a sick dog for about 3 months trying to cover up the thin areas. The picture on my avitar is an old picture. I now have less than 1/2 inch of hair and I love it. I rather have short healthy looking hair then long and sick looking. I can't lie, it took me a few months to convince myself to cut it. I am real happy with the decision. Wash and go everyday. It is great. The new growth seems to be a better grade of hair. I love it and will probably keep it short for at least another year.


The only person that is with us our entire life,  is ourselves. Live while you are alive




on 11/6/07 6:12 am - CO
Dunny, I didn't lose any hair post-op.  I did cut it shorter than I usually wear it (which is short, anyway), so maybe I did lose some and didn't notice because it was so short.  I had cellulitis a month after WLS and between the very short hair and the PICC line I had in my arm for three weeks after my hospital stay, people kept giving me respectful glances, etc.  Guess I looked like I was on chemo or something. A friend of mine who lost hair post-op used scarves and hats to disguise it, but for me, I'd just let it be.  It's hair, it will grow back.  You have such an attractive face (and unlike me, you don't have a forehead the size of a billboard!) that no one will even notice your thinning hair. As for bariatric vitamins, I've always used the Bariatric Advantage brand.  Kaiser recommends them, so we get free shipping.  I'm on the monthly auto-refill program, so I don't have to worry about remembering to buy them.  I credit these vitamins with my excellent lab results.  I began using them as a pre-op, so perhaps they contributed toward my lack of hair loss. Kix



Michelle B.
on 11/6/07 6:25 am - Pennsauken, NJ
Hi I did not handle it well at all.  From month 3 to about 6, I think I cried every morning when I did my hair.   My hairdresser suggested cutting shorter layers at the top/crown (where the majority of the loss was), and that did help a lot, but I went for a trim every 4 weeks.  I tried Nioxin, which I swore helped in the beginning, then it stopped working.  I tried various mousses and creams, but nothing really worked.  Boosted up the vitamins and biotion, didnt seem to make a difference.  Keeping the hair trimmed seemed to be most effective in camoflouging the hair loss.  My hair started growing back about 6 months, and is getting thicker and thicker.  the texture has changed, but that's ok. Good luck!
on 11/10/07 9:25 am - Cumberland, MD
Jenn, I worry about it too.  I told my hairdresser to start thinking about new ideas. One of the nurse practitioners on the DS board has a vitamin regime that she feels prevented her from losing hair. Here it is:1. Make sure you get at least 60 grams of protein every day beginning as soon as you get out of the hospital. Use shakes until you can get enough food. Build up to 80 grams when you can. Protein is essential for hair growth and hair that doesn't grow falls out.

2. Force the fluids. At least 64 oz a day the first week or two then bump it up to 80-100 oz per day. Fluids flush out the ketones your body makes when burning fats. Ketones are toxic to rapidly dividing cells like the hair follicles.

3. Beginning the first week after surgery, add 100mg of Zinc and 200 mcg of Selenium to your supplements. Crush these tablets for the first 3 months to guarantee absorption. These mineral support the telogenic (resting)phase of hair growth.

Biotin supplements may also help, some swear by them. Nothing you put ON your hair from the outside will do anything to prevent loss, although it may plump up the individual strands and make your hair seem thicker. Topical emulsions don't usually penetrate the scalp to the level of the hair follicles--Minoxidil is an exception to this general rule. 
Now, ask me if I am doing this? Well I am doing the protein, I am drinking as much as possible but I am not doing the rest, just keeping my fingers crossed. And I will keep my fingers crossed for you.  Besides I agree, just put some makeup on your eyes and no one will see your hair!!  

Joteddie1.jpg Century Club Card image by joteddie

on 11/15/07 3:13 am - Windsor, Canada
How long after surgery does it ussally take before this happens? The hair starts to fall out. Had my surgery Nov, 8/07 was going though the forums and seen yours. Have a great day and I hope it grows back fast
on 11/15/07 3:27 am - Glendora, CA

I tried everything! I remember standing in the shower crying my eyes out as hair just fell out.

I cut my hair very short and started using Ojan shampoo and conditioner. A friend worked with recovering cancer patients (that were re growing hair after chemo) and she recommended it. I just don't have much hair but it's shiny and healthy looking!

I know I can, I know I can
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