Pretty much new...any advise
Hello to all!! Just to introduce myself......
My name is Roxanna and I'm from Waycross, Georgia. 31 yrs old, 477 pounds (BMI 72.5), married almost 3 yrs to my loving sole mate, & no children yet. I have Type II , sleep apena w/Cpap, high
triglycerides, female incontinence (at times) & cronic pain in jonts & back. Hoping and praying to have the laposcopic RNY.
Also I'm a stay @ home wife who cares for my father-n-law w/ stage 6 Alzhiemer. That's a hand full for even the average size person never the less someone my size.
I have already been to my seminar, 1st dr. consulation, and next appt for shink&diet on the 16thNovember. Also have to attend a weekend work shop on the 17&18th Nov. After that the Dr. office says that my paper work will be sent in to insurance. So I just hope everything goes well for that to go through w/out any problems.
So is there any pointers for me pre-op and post-op?? My ears & eyes are open to any and all suggestions.

Dear Roxanna,
Welcome. The previous poster said some great things. All I can add is to be sure you start rethinking your relationship with food right now. Is it a sign of love, both yours to others and others to you? Do you use it as a form of self expression? What role does it play in your life, both good and bad? Because that generally needs to change. I had to get to a point where I had removed the emotional context of food so I could use it as just nutrition and not as self-expression (creativity, quality, discipline, fun, etc.). That made it easier to throw food out and not see that as a "waste." I'm single, so after eating on something for a week, I am pretty much done with it! Even a recipe that feeds four often lasts longer than that for me.
Start developing habits that can take up the time that you used to devote to eating. Do you knit, scrapbook, needlepoint, etc.? You would be surprised how much free time you'll have even with your father-in-law.
I found keeping a DietMinder diary was very helpful for the first three months. I weighed my food and recorded everything. I was very strict with myself those months. I didn't really try much until my 10th month. But the longer you can put off trying less than great options (i.e. starches and sugars) the better.
And remember to keep your body expectations reasonable. Even if you lose every excess pound, you will still not look like women on tv. You will have excess skin. And even if you go the plastic surgery route, you will still not look like the women on tv! But you can look good, feel good, and have a great life with a less than perfect body.
I wish you the best. I wish I had done this when I was 30.
Good luck,
on 11/5/07 5:55 am - San Antonio, TX