Gym is Open (Monday 11/5)

on 11/4/07 2:03 pm - CO
It's Monday!  No moaning, no groaning, the week will go by quickly, I promise! Let's start the week out right by moving those bodies.  Hup, two, three, four! Not sure what exercise I'll do -- it's supposed to be cold here, so I may try walking the mile loop at our local mall.  I need to do weights and obviously some more in-line skating because my knees were killing me all weekend long. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 11/4/07 8:54 pm, edited 11/4/07 8:54 pm - somewhere
15 mins elliptical 15 mins lower body weight training 30 mins elliptical I did the 5 day pouch test last week, lost 3 lbs and then blew it over the weekend.... so I upped my elliptical time as punishment... lol

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 11/4/07 10:23 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

Good morning, Kix.  Today will be a 2-a-day for me - lifting weights at lunch, then 40-50 minutes of cardio after work.  I went for a 45 minute walk yesterday evening - it was brisk, but it felt great to be outside.   I wish my gym had an in-line skating machine - I'm to the point now that I'm really looking for some different cardio stuff to keep things interesting.  I've been doing the rowing machine, but can only do about 20 minutes before my hands start to hurt (I'm developing callouses from the dang thing!).   Good luck to everyone finding the time, energy and motivation to move it today!!! Kellie

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/07 3:30 am - San Antonio, TX
I was bad about exercise yesterday, so I guess I better get busy today.  I am posting 30 minutes walking right now, and then I am going to immediately go to the park and do it.  That seems to work well for me because I don't want to have lied to Kix..... I hailed her afterall. 
on 11/5/07 4:53 am - CO

I don't know why I'm having such a low energy day.  I feel kind of blargh. I went to the mall and walked 1.5 miles.  The mall design is a big loop, kind of like a racetrack.  Very conducive to walking, but bad on the budget.  I happened by a Lane Bryant outlet (I'm still in plus sizes in some clothing), wandered in, and came out $40 poorer. I was startled looking at myself in the full length mirror at Lane Bryant.  I'm small!  I have to say, I was also a bit put off by the hanging sacks of fat on my thighs.  Also, I wasn't wearing my industrial strength support panty and my gut was hanging, too.  Ugh!  Even so, I'm shocked at how small I am, especially from the side view. It was a good walk.  I didn't use my Ipod because the mall was open for shopping and I didn't want to look like a nutcase.  I enjoyed just walking and admiring all the stores.  I saw a beautiful sweater in the window at Neiman's that I didn't even bother to follow up on because, well, it's Neiman's and even their outlet prices are highway robbery!  This mall will be a good place to walk in the cold weather, I just need to get there before the stores open or I will be financially ruined! No rec center for me today, I'm just not up to it.  Tomorrow is strength training, so I'll add the in-line machine when I go for my weight workout. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 11/5/07 11:38 am
I've been working out every day but I keep forgetting to post it! School is really in fast mode right now and I'm having a hard time keeping up with everything. I'm pretty excited with my workouts lately - the training schedule for running I've been following is really working and I feel like I might actually be able to run a 5K this December. Of course, all of my running has been done on a treadmill and I'm a little nervous about running outside - after my last try at running outside and ending up with cracked ribs, I'm a little hesitant to try. So, today I did 45 minutes of running/walking, but extended my times so i was running more than walking. then i did upper body weights - I've been laying off the lower body since I pulled a muscle in my leg while doing weights last week and don't want to pu**** Tomorrow will be my rock climbing class (woohoo!) - I have had to cancel this class twice, I'm hoping I actually make it this time.  I'm really looking forward to it!
on 11/5/07 12:23 pm - Ontario, CA
Hi Kix, I taught a 1 hour water aerobics class.  Class tonight wasn't too hard, but hard enough.  The air was cold (to us in S. Cal -   59 degrees). and the water was a bit cooler (83), so we didn't want to do much that would require our hands/arms/shoulders to be out of the water. I teach again tomorrow morning - hope the pool is warm!

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