DR. Visit Results
Well I feel better now....Doc says it appears as an inaccurate reading due to my large breasts. Damn boobs cause me trouble at every turn LOL. He took my history and stated there should be no problem...BUT as a precaution he's sending me for an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) I liked this Doc very much. I only hope he wasn't just pacifying me so I don't panic. He seemed genuine, so now I go on Monday (earliest I could get in) for confirmation that all is well. Soooo...in the meantime I want to thank each of you for responding to my anxiety with your soothing words and compassionate support...you people are the *******ove you all...
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/07 7:18 am - San Antonio, TX
on 10/31/07 7:18 am - San Antonio, TX
I'm glad all is well. I had an echo also, its not too bad. I had some difficulty because the tech had to press soooo hard to get a good picture through all of that fat. I also had to turn into and hold some awkward positions, which I had back pain from for about 2 months. Overall it was uncomfortably close quarters topless covered in slimy goo with the tech basically laying over me to get the right position. I was glad when it was over, but it wasn't so bad that I am scarred for life or anything
Well, a little scarred maybe - the tech was mildly creepy. It was neat to see and hear my heart beating though!

Really??? Creepy how? Male or female? I had an Echo done when I lived in Florida about 14 yrs ago. I don't remember it being bad at all so I'm not afraid of that. 23 lbs ago I couldn't get from a lying down position to sitting upright on an exam table without help. Now I can. Its not a breeze but at least I can do it alone. It only gets better from here...RIGHT?
Thanks for your well wishes..you're a doll!

(deactivated member)
on 10/31/07 9:36 am - San Antonio, TX
on 10/31/07 9:36 am - San Antonio, TX
It was an old guy who smelled like stale cologne, cigarettes, sweat, and old person... and I'm sure it was just creepy in my mind. It took forever and he was literally laying over me, but he was polite and professional. It was uncomfortable for us both I'm sure.
Jeanine, when I was getting EKGs done as part of my Optifast and pre-op stuff, they had some trouble getting the leads to read because my big floppy boobs kept pulling the leads out. Once they were able to stablize the leads on my chest, the reading was fine.
I wouldn't get too spun up about it, I think your heart is just fine!
AAAwwwwwwwwwwww thanks Kix...I know its usually in the right place LOL...I am going to face the echocardiogram with positive thinking and optimism. Lord knows you gals have taught me that!! Turning the calandar page tomorrow to November is making my surgery so REAL and I find myself getting emotional now & then. It doesn't help to have the intake nurse tell me yesterday that if I have a Living Will or Health Care Proxy, I can bring it to the hospital with me. Just so happens I DO have them both. Sheesh.........I don't even wanna go there!! Hugs
hey , was it snyder in amsterdamn? If so I know why you liked him he was Great to me. I had to have the echo done too. because he wanted to check on me after my stress test was a little shakey but he said same thing nothing to worry about just a precaution and all was ok! Good Luck! and dont stress!