That is so awesome. I have started doing some research about reconstructive surgery.. I am curious what you put in your letter. Marge posted her letter on her page..she had lots of issues with rashes etc. But like you I haven't had those issues. So can you maybe explain what you put in the letter.. or better yet, post it. I don't want to get to personal, I just think that it could help me and others who are getting ready for this next stage. Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated.. Good luck and can't wait to here from you... Lynn
Hi Lynn:
I posted the letter on my page. I took my time in composing the letter and checked my spelling. Unfortunately, the docs office staff retyped it and made some typos. I may be mistaken but I do believe that if you have had an extremely large hanging pannus the surgery is a medical need just for hygiene purposes. I had a panni before and paid for it as the ps didn't take insurance, this ps told me that had I come to her she would have gotten it covered. Now, if I can figure out how to get plastic boobs....
Good luck with your research. Please contact me and let me know how you are making out.
I am going to check out your letter and use some of it , I have a large Panni and had a plastics consult lastnight, I am still far from goal , but think this could bring on some mobility.
The only thing that concersn me - I will still need a tummy tuck in a year or two ! Dr H says that it will also bring other area's out more . I am torn up inside making the decission to proceed or not?
I still have about 80 lbs to my primary 's goal and 140 to my Bariatric Surgeons goal . Jeanna