One more med gone
Hi guys,
I went to my PCP yesterday and she took me off my blood pressure medicine. I was soooo happy about it, I told her she made my day. She said it made her day too, she rarely takes people off meds, but usually is giving them new ones... anyway I come to work today, all in a good mood
telling my story.. and my coworker of nearly 20 years tells me that she was told yesterday she has breast cancer boy did I feel like an idiot. She is such a wonderful is not fair.
They told her they caught it early..but still it is soo scary..
This is breast cancer awareness month... I have had my mamogram..I hope you all go out and do it also.
You know, I keep getting the nag-o-gram from Kaiser saying I'm overdue for my mammogram. Walk in hours are on Thursday, and I think I'd better get me and my sagging flapjacks over there.
Now that I have nothing to x-ray, it shouldn't hurt at all.
Congrats on getting rid of the blood pressure meds, that's really a big deal! Isn't it fun when the doctor is as happy about getting rid of medicines/therapies as you are? My doctor was almost happier than me when she was able to pull me off the daytime O2.
Let your friend be happy for you, she can probably use the good news. I'll send healing thoughts her way. I'm not afraid of very many things, but breast cancer scares me as much as fire does.