Gym is Open (Wednesday 10/24)

on 10/23/07 4:39 pm - CO
The gym is open.  I'm not sure yet if I will do any walking or rec center, I still feel worn out from walking two miles yesterday.  I am close to being done with the Project from Hell, and I'd really like to wrap it up today. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 10/23/07 8:55 pm - somewhere
I'm back in my rut and loving it! 15 mins elliptical 30 mins upper body weight training 15 mins elliptical protein, vits, water and exercise are done!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 10/24/07 12:54 am - Sacramento, CA

Hi Kix,  Well I am back, I had a knee injury so I havent been working out in like a month. I got the ok to start again a couple of weeks ago but it is hard to get going once you have stopped. I got on the scale ant it said 292 this morning and that is headed in the wrong direction so I am back at it again. Today I did 65 min of elliptical which works out to be about  4.45 miles and I burned 850 calories. I got to keep going to get to my goal I have really been beating myself up about my weight but it is time to regain control. I will keep you posted on my progress. Talk to ya soon Sophia

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 1:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Good for you, Sophia, for climbing back in the proverbial saddle!  It's so hard to build a good exercise routine, and so easy to break the habit!  I wish the opposite were true!!!  Congrats on recognizing what you need to do, and just doing it.  With that 'atta-girl attitude, you'll be back in a good exercise groove in nothing flat!  Keep up the great work, but be careful not to reinjure that knee!!! Kellie
on 10/24/07 3:14 am - Sacramento, CA

Thanks Kelli. It just feels good to be up and moving again.

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 6:18 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Kix and welcome to Wednesday.  I'm going to the gym after work today.  I plan to do 40-60 minutes of cardio if I can get 15-20 minutes on the rowing machine.  (There's only one rowing machine and I like to do it first; if I can't get it when I arrive, I'll just do 40-50 minutes on the elliptical.)   I hope you were able to wrap up the PFH today!  You'll have to celebrate when it's done!!!!  I can lend you a lampshade and a partially used bottle of tequila that's leftover from my bithday festivities Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 8:08 am - San Antonio, TX
Nothing for me today - going to go to a chiropractor tomorrow about the hip/leg/foot/plantar fasciatis issue.  My stride is doing weird things and the pain is definitely not improving.  I did make a really good pot of chili today though - so at least today wasn't all a bust.  (beef, turkey, 3 kinds of beans, lots of veggies, and my new favorite addition - cubes of sweet potato).  I could only eat about 3/4c but I am going to freeze a bunch of small portions to use as lunches because it has lots of protein and fiber, little fat, and its yummy yummy in my pouch). 
Julie ~
on 10/24/07 10:27 am
I went for my walk and was only about .1mi in when I felt a tightness in my chest and thought my asthma was probably kicking up. I knew if I just stopped for a second I would catch my breath and be fine. When I stopped I realized my heart was going way too fast and really thumping. Not hurting, and not pounding like from breathing hard. It seemed to be having a life of it's own. This doesn't happen with my asthma. It took some time to slow down. I wanted to finish my walk, but I knew it was unlikely I would run into anyone on the rest of my route on such a day, and I just felt that having a heart attack alone on a side street without my cell phone or id (which I usually always carry) was probably not the best idea. So I turned around and went back to my car. My heart was not pounding like that when I got there, and I thought about continuing, but decided not to pu**** It occurred to me that last stretch that this might be blood sugar related. I was taken off my diabetes meds when I had my surgery, and my numbers have been okay. But a few days ago I began taking a liquid antibiotic that has sucrose in it (no choice). I had also taken some calcium with "compressed sugar"  earlier today (won't do that again) and had only eaten 4oz of cottage cheese. I took by blood glucose reading when I got home and it was 108, which is good. I don't know what happened, whether to worry or not. I'm pretty much without a do****il January, so I'd like to figure this out on my own. Anyone else experience this? -Julie
Practice safe eating - always use condiments.


(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 10:33 am - San Antonio, TX
My heart does that when I dump - about 30 minutes after I eat something with too much sugar.  Maybe your antibiotics or calcium did it? 
Julie ~
on 10/24/07 2:43 pm
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