Gym is Open (Tuesday 10/23)
Hi Kix..
I plan on riding my bike tonight at least 35 minutes..
I didn't realize you were planning on going to the series.. that is amazing. I will be looking in the stands for you. Let us know what game your gonna be at... Those fires are horrible, I work with a lady who has a son going to San Diego State, they cancelled classes today. She is very worried about him.. She told him he had better call her twice a day to let her know he is okay..(mamas boy) So my thoughts are with all of the southern californias today. Go Rookies..( my dh is rooting for the redsocks boooo) Lynn
Lynn, I'm not getting to the Series, I had zero luck getting tickets. We are going out of town, anyway, so it isn't a huge tragedy. I'm more annoyed that the ticket system was so poorly executed.
I've been to World Series games in the past, I was at the Coliseum for all three Series in 72, 73, and 74 (Go A's!) and I was able to attend a game in St. Louis when I first moved there in 1987. St.
Louis beat Minnesota 3-1 and I won the office pool.
I still have my ticket stubs, somewhere.
The fires make me sad, too. I was in the Oakland fire (didn't lose anything, just had the bejeezus scared out of me) and also had several scares when I lived in LA in the early 80s. When I saw the news tonight and they showed neighbors gathering at an evacuation center and reading off a list of the addresses of the houses that were lost (this was either in Rancho Santa Fe or Rancho Bernardo, I can't remember), it reminded me of being huddled with a platoon of other folks at the Safeway on 51st and Pleasant Valley Road in North Oakland wondering if my apartment had burned to the ground. My niece was at Mills then and worried they'd all have to evacuate and what to take, etc.
Ever since then, I have kept all personal papers and copies of photos in a safe deposit box. That way, if I have to leave the house suddenly, I don't have to worry about stuff that can't be replaced.
I went to the lake this morning, walked my mile, ran my errands, and came home and sat at the computer for 2.5 hours trying to get World Series ticket. No go. I think the BoSox method of selling tickets was much fairer, and more effective.
I was cross, having spent 2.5 hours doing nothing but staring at a countdown clock, so I decided to go back to the park and walk another mile around the lake. That second mile nearly killed me. My legs hurt, my head hurts, and I feel kind of wonky. I might be a bit dehydrated, so I'm drinking extra water, one of which has a packet of potassium powder added to it.
No strength training today, the rec center was too crowded.