Plastic (Reconstructive)surgery
My appointment to see the Plastic Surgeon is this Wednesday. I have my letter (that I composed) from my PCP and my GB Surgeon will contact her after the appointment to discuss what he needs to do and to also help in getting the insurance approval. This is my second panni so I am not nervous about the proceedure just about the insurance (Keystone Health Plan East) paying for it. My PCP as well as the GBS say that I will have no problem. I will be getting a hernia repaired at the same time. I am hoping that they will also do some thigh stuff but with lympho in my leg they might not want to touch that. I am asking that you send out positive thoughts for me. I am still about 100 lbs. from my goal (60 from my surgeons) and this will put me really close to his goal. I will post more after the consultation. Jeanne

Hi Kix,
This is my second panni. I had one prior to my GBS in the hopes that it would improve my walking. At that time between the fat, skin and fluid I lost 50 lbs. I really believe that I am probably going to have a Mons reconstuction as that is the area that hangs but I am not sure if that will be considered the pannus or not. I will fill everyone on this board with the details as we are a special group and our weight loss and reconctructive give all new meaning to those words.
KHPE is one of the best in PA. My GBS feels very confident that the insurance will pick it up. The thought is that take the weight off of that area and my lymph ciruculation will improve (hopefully). I get cellulitus very bad and the last two bouts were triggered by the shots that I get for my knees. It is a vicious circle that I think PS will stop or at least help.
Was Blobby's removal paid for by your insurance? I wil post more on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Thanks for your good wishes.