let me be the warning to those pre-op!

Amber M*
on 10/22/07 1:54 am - Northern, FL
Im not active on this board much anymore but a few of the older ones know me.  I had surgery in 05 and have lost 185lbs.   Before surgery I complained many times of back pain.  Every complaint was met with the same response. Lose weight. Your  fat.  So I did..  My back felt better for awhile but then the pain came back and continued to get worse.  During that time I complained to the doctors about my back hurting all the time.  They couldnt use the excuse of my weight so then they decided it was my center of gravity since losing weight.   A year ago I finally had enough.  I demanded xrays and an MRI..  They said the xrays didnt show anything other then normal wearing of bone from my excessive weight.  The MRI report stated herniated discs without impeding on the spinal cord.  I was sent to a neuro surgeon who sent me to pain management for injections.  I had my first injection a month after starting pain management.   After the injections my back pain went from being painful but I could still function to so painful I couldnt get up off the floor without help.  I went to pain management who thankfully took my complaint seriously.  The Dr ordered a new series of xrays and a bone scan. My back is broken in 4 places!  The breaks are serious enough for surgery at this point but the problem is the bones have healed already and in the wrong position.  So the only option I have is to let them go in and re-break the bone and set it with a rod.  Ive been trying to exhaust all option before letting someone cut into my back, break bone, and place a rod.  Maybe Im wrong but I feel like surgery should be a last resort! Ive spent the last year on narcotics for pain- its now to the point that Im on a morphine patch with demerol for break through pain.  I have good days where I feel great, and others when I cant walk across my house without pain.   All of this could have been avoided if I would have push to have my complaints taken seriously.  I didnt feel right demanding medical treatment for pain when I was told it was my fault for allowing my weight to get so far out of control.   That way of thinking is wrong!  You have to be your own advocate when it comes to your health.  Dont sit by and just believe everything the doctor says without having some kind of proof. Stand up, speak your mind!  If you cant get help with one doctor find another, but dont stop seeking help! Im meeting next week with the surgeon again.  My pain management doctors have finally talked me into and shown me enough proof that I do feel surgery is the only option I have at this point.  I hope that my situation can help someone else avoid the same mistakes I made. Amber
(deactivated member)
on 10/22/07 4:38 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Amber.  Thanks so much for sharing your story.  I'm sorry that you will have to endure additional surgery, but hopefully it will give you some much needed relief.  I hope others will take your story to heart as well.  It's unfortunate that so many doctors are willing to attribute every health problem that an obese or super morbidly obese person has to their weight.  It's just not always true, but it can be really hard to be assertive, even when you KNOW it's not your weight.  I'm glad you finally got someone to listen to you.   Good luck on your continuing journey - may you find some relief from this long-standing pain... Kellie
on 10/22/07 5:19 am - CO
Hi, Amber! Good to hear from you, and I'm very sorry you are suffering so.  I understand back pain is excruciating.  Your surgery sounds scary, but necessary if you want to resume a full life. I could write a book about being marginalized by doctors/hospitals/health professionals due to my size.  In fact, I didn't know I had sleep apnea and it nearly killed me.  My doctor in WA kept telling me I was tired because I was under a lot of stress at work.  Yes, the important message is to be your own advocate, and don't accept at face value anything the doctor says.  Question everything, educate yourself, and keep pursuing options.  I had to sue my HMO to get WLS because they automatically decided I was too fat for WLS without even bothering to evaluate me personally to see if I was healthy enough for surgery.   Kix



Janice B.
on 10/22/07 8:54 am - Misawa-chi, Japan
Oh my gosh ... this is one of the huge hazards of dealing with human beings.  They all have their prejudices and ideas that get in the way of looking objectively at what we are presenting them.  I'm so glad you stood up for yourself!!  Good on you!.

Life is too short to eat vanilla ice cream and dance with boring men.

HW: 305/SW: 289/CW: 129

Anne S.
on 10/27/07 10:16 am
Amazing. Simply amazing that medical professionals discounted you on many levels due to your size.  Good for you for demanding your x-rays and MRI, and then continuing to get help.  I'm so sorry for all that time you've been in pain, been heard, but not taken seriously. Discrimination is a crime. This one was near lethal. Such a sad, sad, but all too common experience and story for those of us eschewed by medical professionals, blaming anything and everything on our "size."  Thank you for posting your story. -anne s.

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