String of bad luck.....
I haven't posted in a long time. Things just seem to be going in a downward motion in my life right now. First of all I finished all my paper work and jumped through all the insurance hoops to include the dreaded six month supervised diet.... right about the first part of Sept. Was getting together with my PCP one last time for the final paper work. Then my husband who is bipolar, went on a manic bing and went off his mood stabilizing med. He was in downtown Cleveland on Sept. 14 doing something that no one knew he was doing. To make a long story short he was in a crosswalk walking across the street and wa**** by a car. His left leg was broke in four places and his ankle bone was totally crushed. He had emergency surgery that night was in the hospital for 3 weeks. Before he came home he had another surgery. He will be off work at least until the end of the year if not till mid Jan. Meantime I found out my surgery if approved will be good for one year. So I went ahead with the paper work being sent in after my husband came home. Well then my PCP could not find the progress notes from March and April of 07 from my nutritionist. She blames him and his office for loosing them and they blame her for not sending them. 

Talk about being mad. Well the best I could get was a letter from the Nut. saying that she did see me on those months and I was making good progress. I have Medical Mutual and they are very picky on how things are documented.
Like I need this crap with all the other stuff I have to cope with. I never missed a visit and this should have never happened.
Please everyone keep your fingers crossed for me and if you pray send a few prayers my way.