Gym is Open (Friday 10/19)
Friday! Woohoo!
I'm eating breakfast and getting ready to go run errands and then do my walk. No strength training today, although maybe I should since I have a full day tomorrow and won't be able to go to the rec center.
I plan to do my errands, take my walk, and then come home and work on the Project from Hell. My mouse hand is kind of sore this morning -- when I was showering, I bent my hand a weird way when I reached for the scrubbing puff and now the top of my hand is sore (like a joint aches when it cracks). I've either pulled a muscle or it's carpal tunnel. I have about four different hand braces, so I'll wear it later while I'm working.
I'm happy that the numbers on the scale are moving downward, so perhaps I will have a positive report on Monday's weigh-in day.
Anyway, it's Friday! Be sure to get outside and get lots of fresh air! More importantly, have fun! Life is too short to be boring.
What did you do to move your body today?

I'll give you an "Amen, sister" on your Friday comment - I've been ready for Friday since Monday this week! I need a few days off just to chill, and it'll be a few weeks before I can do that...
I'm glad the numbers on your scale are moving down! I know you were frustrated with a recent gain, then seeming stall, so I'm super happy that things are moving in the right direction for you again. I gained 12 pounds over 5 days last week, which totally freaked me out. I also lost 8 pounds in 2 days, so I KNOW most of it was fluid retention. I think I wore out the carpet between my office and the restroom!!!!
Hope you enjoyed your walk today - it's beautiful here (crisp fall air, temps in the upper 60s-low 70s. I love being outside at this time of year. As for me, I lifted weights at lunch time and am planning to do 40-50 minutes of cardio after work. I've only done cardio once this week, so really need to make it tonight. We'll see - I've got a super busy weekend, and I'd love to have tonight to do laundry and pay bills so I'm not doing that Sunday night!!!
Good luck to evernone finding the time and motivation to move today!!!
Doing laundry and paying bills tonight? Hm, wonder if I have time to FedEx my laundry and bills to Cleveland....
My errands took longer than I expected, so I didn't get to the rec center. I did go for my walk, and because it's a nice day today, the park was overrun with yard apes. Ugh! Why aren't they in school?! As I pulled into the parking space, I noticed one clueless mother letting her kids climb a tree! It pissed me off so much I leaned on the car horn and gave her "beeg stinkeye" (as we used to say in Hawaii****il she made the kids climb down from the tree.
I managed to enjoy my walk, even if I was nearly deafened several times by the spine-shattering shrieking (for no reason at all) of small children (so piercing that I could hear it even though I had the IPod turned up), and nearly mowed down several times by clueless mothers jogging with those $&%*@ SUV sized strollers.
Did I mention I strongly dislike children? Let me amend that, I like well mannered children, but all I seem to encounter are free-range children with no boundaries. Both my parents had stares that could paralyze farm animals 5000 miles away, so all they had to do was give us "the look" and we shaped right up. That is, if we even dared to misbehave in public in the first place.
I like your idea about running over children at Wally's while I'm using the electric cart. You must be psychic!
Actually, one of my errands this morning was at Wally's, and it was quite peaceful there. Must be because everyone was at the park.
Time to put my hand brace on and resume working on the PFH. It will be done, someday, and my life will be my own again!
Think the Tribe will be Colorado-bound?

Hey, if you're willing to pay to FedEx your laundry to Cleveland, I'd be happy to wa**** But you'd have to come pick it up or send FedEx back to get it! (That'd probably be quite an expensive laundry service!).
Sorry about the yard apes at the park. I'm with you about kids - well mannered, well behaved kids are fine; I even manage to enjoy them sometimes. But the little banchees that run around totally unsupervised acting like wild beasts are enough to make me doubly grateful that abortions are still legal. Otherwise there would be even more of the little monsters. (In case you can't tell, we have similar beliefs as it relates to children. There's a reason I don't have have any!!!!).
I hope the Tribe is Colorado-bound, but we'll have to wait and see if they can get past Boston. Beckett just shut us down last night - it was painful. I couldn't bear to watch - went to bed after the 6th inning - my heart couldn't take it. Plus, my roommates were trying to sleep and I kept cursing loudly at the television, which isn't very conducive to sleeping.... For the record, if it is the Rockies and the Tribe in the World Series, I'll still love you no matter who wins

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/07 5:01 am - San Antonio, TX
on 10/20/07 5:01 am - San Antonio, TX
I didn't get in much exercise yesterday - just walking to and from the lab, which is a fairly long walk but not very hard to do anymore.
My mom had the same stare/scowl, especially in public - it worked well with me, but Ithen didn't like to make waves as a kid. My little brother liked to try to make waves, but when mom was really seriously peeved at his behavior she would say, in this serious tone you never heard at any other time "Chris, that does NOT make me happy." He would cease and desist immediately. The first time I saw that, I thought damn, I'm glad I never got that! It was oddly blood curdling. I was always scared to make her mad, because I never really saw her mad. I didn't know what to expect or how bad it would be. She didn't have to spank or ground or yell at us, usually the scowl did it. (She has deep scowl furrows, and I'm already starting to get them too - apparently I inherited the expression.)
I like babies, love babies. Not so crazy about kids. My best friend has three boys 8,5,2 and they are perfectly behaved, always in control. She is my parenting model and I hope I can do half so well. She is one strict momma!
Hi Kix,
Have you missed me? I have not been to the gym cause my little man has been sick. He got an ear infection. I've been picking him up from the babysitter as soon as I get off work. He went back to the doctor yesterday and is doing a lot better. Hopefully Monday I can start back up.
Diana ~ Mommy to Cody 04/08/07 ~ Wife to Bill
Diana, yes I have missed you, and I was worried something was up. Poor Cody, I'm sorry he has an ear infection. Will he be recovered in time for Halloween? Don't forget to post picture of him in his costume(s)!
Hug Cody for me, and how are you and Bill holding up? There's nothing worse than a sick infant.
Howdy Kix,
Cody is doing sooooooo much better. He's smiling again. Your right hims was a fussy butt. Last Sunday we drove around to keep him from crying. We have pictures at noon today. His six months and Halloween photo shots. :o) Then after that my niece's three year old birthday party at this big pizza place. Busy day.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hi Kix -
I've been gone just about all day, but wanted to jump in here and post.
I taught a really tough aquafit workout this morning. I made myself sore! Several people were letting me know that they also appreciated the tough workout.
After class, John and I drove down to the San Diego Wild Animal Park that is near Escondido. We walked all around the park - and my legs were never tired, and my feet never hurt. After the park closed, we had dinner at a little mexican place, and started toward home. We stopped at the outlet mall in Lake Elsinore to buy John a new suit for a second interview he has coming up this week. Once home, I did a bit of grocery shopping, worked a bit on my quilt and visited with my daughter's boyfriend who was over.
It was a nice, active, day and I'm so glad to see that I can get in a hard workout, plus a day of walking around steep, hilly terrain and not be winded or aching! So much has changed this year! What a blessing!
Here is what I did in my aquafit class for those who want to try it in their pool. Our class went over by 5 minutes because the clock was off.
Our pool is 4 - 4 1/2 feet deep in the section we work out in.
Warm Up: (10 min. total)
Jogging across pool to lane line (approx 30 feet) using breast stroke arms
Forward traveling ankle touch - wall to lane line
Backward traveling ankle touch behind - wall to lane line
Traveling jumping jacks
Toning & Cardio (approx 30 minutes)
Class running in a circle - then change directions after "vortex" forms
Run 5 laps from wall to lifeguard station (each lap approx 25 yards) Approx 10 minutes for circle running and laps
Straight leg kicks to the front, side and back - progressive in length 30 second set, then 60, then 90. Push and pull with arms Total of 9 minutes
Butterfly presses while doing rocking horse legs - 3 sets of 60 seconds each
High Knee jog with 1 minute of each type of punches -- both arms out to sides, alternating punches in front, both arm*****hing at the same time, 3 sets of each
Wide knee jog wtih 1 minute of each type of punches - 3 sets of each
Alternating punching down, up down, out in, right arm alone, left arm alone
Conclude cardio/toning segment with a fast jog/sprint for 90 seconds
Abs with Noodles: (approx 13 minutes)
Each exercise for 30 seconds, do 3 sets
Single crunches - ankles and knees together
#4 crunches - ankle crossed over opposite knee - switch legs after 30 seconds
Leg Lifts, small & tight rapid
Leg Lifts, slow and controlled, going for height - all 10 toes out of the water
Double leg lifts, feet straight up - ab lounger style
Double leg lifts, feet apart
Leg workout
Step on noodle at instep - leg raises for 30 seconds.
Noodle on ankle, leg straight out in front - raise/lower for 30 seconds
Noodle on ankle, leg straight out to the side - raise/lower for 30 seconds
Noodle on ankle, leg bent behind, raise and lower for 30 seconds
repeat on other leg
Arm workout:
with 1 noodle, hands in middle of noodle, about 6-8 inches apart, elbows in at waist, raise lower noodle from water surface to thigh. About 15 seconds. Pulse noodle in front of belly button for 45 seconds rapidly going up and down with noodle. Keep arms in at sides. Repeat for 3 reps.
Take noodle around to back, hands 6-8 inches apart, fingers toward rearend, thumbs facing away. Pulse noodle behind tailbone rapidly for 1 minute. Stretch out arms and repeat for a total of 3 reps.
Stretch out - 3-5 minutes
Stretch arms, legs, whole body stretch, neck
Your class sounds rigorous, but fun. The more aerobic aqua classes I have attended at my rec center aren't fun like that, but I haven't been to all of them yet. I just need to find one that works for me (as soon as I buy a cold water suit).
We do the noodle workouts, just not all the vigorous cardio you do. They tell me it's because they aren't allowed to do so in a warm water pool. I see their point, but I think the water could be a tad warmed up in the cold pool -- how about 85 instead of 80?