What is Your Dream Job?

on 10/18/07 1:04 am - CO
I've been thinking about this lately.  I saw a segment on "CBS Sunday Morning" a few months ago where they profiled the dude whose job it is to travel with, and care for, the Stanley Cup.  The Stanley Cup travels all over the world, and somebody has to accompany it.  I thought, "What a neat job!  I'd love to be the Stanley Cup's nanny!" If you had your choice of any job in the world, what would it be? Kix



on 10/18/07 2:06 am - Boron, CA
I would like to be the person who checks out hotels like they do in the comercials for( hotels.com or priceline) I think that would be a gas however I don't want the job of the Travelocity knome that would not do ahahahha

on 10/19/07 5:35 am - CO
Aha, so your secret desire is to cozy up to William Shatner!  As long as you don't want to be the gnome (mostly because he's stupid and I'm glad when he gets electrocuted/squished/left behind), then it sounds like an excellent dream job! Kix



on 10/18/07 2:27 am, edited 10/18/07 2:29 am - Bucksport, ME
Ok this is true don't laugh. I would like to be a psychiaitrist ( first I should learn how to spell it) with out looking it up. I have a BS degree  in mental health but got in late in life i would have really liked to been a psychiatrist.
on 10/19/07 5:36 am - CO
It's not too late, you know.  Are you thinking you'd need more schooling, and that it's too hard?   Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 3:14 am - San Antonio, TX
Dream Job would be movie critic, or food critic - heck any kind of critic.  Those are cushy gigs - you get everything free and you are paid to be nasty ;) As far as more realistic dream jobs, I am thinking about pursuing my MD after the PhD.  I wanted an MD more than a PhD, but was too intimidated by medical school at my weight.  Now I am afraid I won't have time to finish an MD and everything that goes with it, and also have kids.  So I am on the fence.  Either way, PhD or MD/PhD, I'm doing what I love, biology research.  The double doctorate people are the ones who are really in charge though.  I just have to decide if I have the stamina to have kids during medical school - some people manage but I doubt I could. 
on 10/19/07 5:40 am - CO
A friend of mine is a food critic.  We finally had to agree not to eat out together, because I grew tired of hearing him ***** about the food even when he wasn't reviewing a restaurant.  I think I'd like to be a concert reviewer, then you get to go to all the concerts for free. My PCP has four kids, including a new set of twins, and I don't know how she manages.  She is either extremely efficient, has an au pair, or has decent hours because it's an HMO.  Her husband is a pharmacist, so maybe his hours flex, too. Biology research?  Please find a cure for MRSA.  All this MRSA talk is making me nervous. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 6:26 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

My dream job may sound a little wacky, but I'd like to run a combination restaurant and bakery that offers job training for people who are trying to get back on their feet.  I've heard of similar programs on the east coast and west coast -- sort of welfare-to-work type programs.   I love the idea of being able to take so many things I love and that I'm good at (cooking, baking, organizing, motivating people, solving problems, etc.) and using those skills to help people improve their lives.  Although food-service work may not be glamorous and high-paying, the job skills are always in demand.   If that doesn't work out, I want to work at an animal rescue place that works with exotic cats!!!  I also wouldn't mind working at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah - they do great work.   Fun thread, Kix - thanks for spicing up my afternoon a bit!  By the way, the dealer found a base model Saab 9-3 for me in laser red w/ a 6-speed manual transmission!  It's in Maryland, so it'll be a few days before I get it.  I'm excited - vroom, vroom, vroom...


on 10/19/07 5:45 am - CO
Not wacky at all.  California has all sorts of those programs, and Denver has something called the "Women's Bean Project" where they package and sell tasty, nutritious soup kits.  The money is used to help empower women living in marginalized situations. I'm not sure I could work in animal rescue, I love animals too much and I don't think my heart has enough teflon on it to endure some of the sadder situations. How long before you pick up your "midlife crisis mobile"?  I thought only men bought hot cars when they turn 40!  Be sure to post a photo when it arrives safely in Cleveland. Kix



Julie ~
on 10/18/07 7:33 am
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