Gym is Open (Thursday 10/18)
Good morning, everyone. It's already Thursday!
I'm very tired today. I took a couple of Tylenol PM because they have Benadryl-like stuff in them and I thought it would help with the itching. For some reason, taking two makes me fidget, so I was up and down all night. Had I taken only one, I'd have slept like a hibernating bear.
Today's agenda includes errands, exercise (even though my calves are rebelling at the thought of walking a mile today), and back to work on the Project from Hell.
I'll post my actual exercise later.
What did you do to move your body today?

(deactivated member)
on 10/18/07 3:09 am - San Antonio, TX
on 10/18/07 3:09 am - San Antonio, TX
I walked for 20 minutes this morning. After work I will do at least 15 minutes on the bike, maybe 20.
After my computer had a power surge yesterday (which burned out the laptop battery and the laptop charger, and I THOUGHT the entire laptop was toast, I decided I need to become Amish.
Fortunately, the computer took another licking and kept on ticking. Twice in one week.
Computers are to Jenn as electric shopping carts are to Kix.
Good Lord, I knew you had an electric personality, but this is ridiculous! Some people just have that special spark, don't they?
OK, I'll stop with the puns.
I have a dear friend in Oakland who fries electronics, too. The one time I gave her a ride in my new car, it wouldn't start. Turns out the battery cable popped off, but I didn't know that until after I'd waited an hour for AAA.
I think you need several power surgers hooked up to that computer. Either that, or wear gloves when you use it.
I finally got my iPod loaded yesterday so I took it for my walk today. I had been using the beautiful scenery around the Kennedy compound and Nantucket Bay as my inspiration to go for the walk and distract me from the pain. But today, having the music blaring in my ear kept me from not only hearing my heavy breathing but spurred me on to added distance.
The only problem was I discovered myself limping on my left leg and couldn't seem to correct it. No pain, just a limp. Then it got really hard to make the last block back to my car. When I got home my left calve muscle feels weak and almost quivery. I think this is related to the neuropathy in my feet, so I called my hunky chiropractor to check in since he did a new adjustment on me yesterday (since he said I so much littler now :) ) Waiting to hear back.
So today I walked .5 miles in 11 minutes, up from .3miles in 7 minutes.. Slowly but surely, and hoping I will be able to get back to my former (14 yrs ago, 2 miles/day).
Aren't IPods a godsend? There is no way I'd be able to exercise without it, as the music helps me space out and not think about how much it hurts! The only problem is, I want to sing along with the music, and that could prove quite embarrassing!
I miss the ocean.
My calves hurt from walking, but it's more of an ache from being stretched. I'm glad I don't have neuropathy, I understand it's quite painful.
Good job on increasing the walking. I haven't timed my walks yet, and I forgot my pedometer today, darn it. I'm up to about 6500 steps, but then, I have short legs so my mile takes more steps than most people.

I'm back from my errands and exercising.
I did 20 minutes on the in-line skating machine, then spent about 40 minutes on strength training, upping the weights on some of the arm machines to 70 lbs (I'll feel it later, I'm sure). The leg machines I still keep at 50 lbs because 70 lbs is too much of a strain on my wimpy knees.
After that, I dashed over to Target to pick up a few things (using the electric cart today, it finally worked but it sounded like an old motorboat, so I attracted attention everywhere I went in the store).
I found everything I needed except my higher-protein Special K (the only place I've seen it is Wally's). Not sure why I still take the electric cart, it's kind of a crutch, I think. Also, I will say I get my shopping done fasting being able to speed through the store.
Left Target and went for my walk, walked one mile in the howling wind, so I am taking credit for 1.1 miles due to the extra drag on my body while I walked!
We go to aquacise later. I don't want to, but my sister refuses to go by herself. In the meantime, I am going to eat my buffalo burger patty and work on the Project from Hell.

Hiya, Kix. I'm going to the gym after work today for cardio. I tried the rowing machine during my last visit - it was nice to do something different, so I think I'll do 10-15 minutes on the rowing machine, then 30-40 minutes on the elliptical trainer. Variety is the spice of life, you know...
I was planning on doing 45 minutes of jogging/walking on the treadmill but about 10 minutes in my stomach began to rebel (let's just say that I have been eating lots of fiber and boy, is it working!) I lasted another 20 minutes before I just had to stop. *&$% stomach
, I was really looking forward to getting in a good, long workout.
That's it today - I'm exhausted too. I have had something going on every night this week and I just want to go home and fall into bed.