Gym is Open (Wednesday 10/17) and AARGH!
Perimenopause? Well, that would explain it. Talk about messing with the body - I am soooo not looking forward to the day that happens. I still like to think I am a nice and young 30 year - hell, I keep flirting like I am! I think I am trying to relive my youth, especially since my youth was not so fun and i never felt comfortable with flirting (maybe since I hated what I looked like), so now it's like this whole new world, where guys flirt openly and I actually do it back. And I love it when young guys start with me, makes me feel pretty good.
At the age of 42, I am officially boy crazy
I actually had a couple of older guy**** on my in St. Louis this weekend - we are talking MUCCHHH older; like, ewww, gross kind of old. One of the guys started talking to me when I was at Ihop for breakfast, then pulls this line... "so, are you retired?" WTF!!!!! I asked him if I looked like I was old enough to be retired and he started stuttering and trying to back peddle. I told him the next time he wants to hit on someone he needs to think of better lines than that. He quickly left the restaurant after that, with his head down and avoiding my stares. I'm still smarting from that one, it was a blow to this overgrown ego of mine.
I know, that had nothing to do with working out, but this whole "men and flirting and dating" thing is on my mind all the time, ALL THE TIME! At least I'm not thinking about food
Now, to what I did today. I had my mellow workout, did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 40 minutes of lower and upper body work. I don't know how much I concentrated during the weights since I was studying for my test in German in between reps (which I so utterly and completely flunked it's scary), but I got em' done.
Done with my rambling - seems to be that kind of day, doesn't it? have fun with your walk, but take a coat, it is FREEZING out there! That wind just whips through you.

Well, my youth was great fun, (I was a popular fat grrl) and I still think I'm a teenager, but then I get these reality checks such as creaking like the Tin Man and perimenopause. No hot flashes yet, I'm probably going to skip the hot flashes and just be a bubbling emotional mess until it's all over.
Men and flirting and dating? What in the heck are they putting in the water in Douglas County?
We need those water supplements here in Jeffco! I think about flirting when I see a hot looking guy, but all the hot looking guys I see in my preferred age group are already married. Not only that, I'm not very good at picking up the signs -- I practically need the guy to clunk me in the head with a 2x4 and say "Hey! I'm flirting here!"
Maybe that will change in January when I start my Emergency Management and Preparedness certificate program at Red Rocks CC. I think the certificate will be an excellent adjunct to my public health experience, and with all the first-responder type of folks in class (police, firefighters, engineers, etc.), perhaps I will get a side benefit as well!
Ich bin traurig, daß Sie Ihren deutschen Test verließen. Besseres Glück folgendes Mal. Did I happen to mention I took four years of German in high school? Of course, that was so long ago that they probably don't even speak that kind of German in Germany any more!
I did my walk around 11 AM, and it was just starting to get cold. I wore my new ROCKTOBER sweatshirt and it kept me toasty warm. I only stopped once today to rest my knees and honk my nose, then I kept on walking. I don't know how people walk in 5K races. My knees were so sore and tired that when I walked through Whole Foods, it looked like I was imitating a tin soldier.
I ran a couple of other errands, and when I came out of the library around 1, I noticed the temperature had dropped significantly from when I left the house. BRR!
I think I'll boil up some water and have a huge mug o'decaf hot tea. I need to continue working on the Project from Hell (I was given a blessing in that the deadline was extended until next week).
PS: I lived in St. Louis for 2.5 years, and I can tell you from experience that St. Louis men aren't the smoothest, most suave men in the world. Since you're only 42, you probably caused a ruckus at Ihop, getting all those senior men hot and bothered! Isn't the minimum age to get into Ihop something like >80?

Good Evening Kix,
I'm tired, but wanted to post my activity. The past couple of days, I haven't gotten it logged.
I did not go to aquafit this morning because I knew I'd be in the pool for hours this afternoon with swim lessons, and I didn't want to be THAT cold.
I taught swim lessons in the pool, swimming, walking, running, helping out kids and letting them hang on me for 3 hours 15 minutes.
I am still cold, and I got out of the pool at 6:10!
BRRR, I'm cold just reading this! I was watching the weather report yesterday and it said LA was in the mid 60s. BRRR, isn't it a little early for it to be that cool in So CA?
My aquacise teacher said a friend of hers wears a cold water suit to swim in our cold pools at the rec centers. I noticed Junonia sells something similar to a wet suit, but I just don't want to spend that kind of money right now.
After all that time in the pool, did you look like one of the California Raisins?
I didn't workout - had school last night. I cannot describe how much it sucks this semester - the workload is ridiculous. I have a major project or paper or presentation or something every week. I cannot wait until May when I am finished.
Sorry about your rash, Kix. Use Dove sensitive skin.
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!
Good advice on the soap, that's what I usually use! However, I was lazy at the gym the other night and rather than trudge back to the locker and dig my soap out of my gym bag, I went ahead and used their soap. I knew better, and now I'm paying the price. Stupid Kix!
I was so glad when I finished school. I can't believe I'm getting ready to do it again in January! I'm really stoked about this Emergency Planning and Preparedness certificate program, though, so perhaps I won't suffer too much from books and homework and assignments again.
Hang in there, and we've missed you!