Rockies Win!

on 10/15/07 3:54 pm - CO

Woohoo!  The Rockies are headed to the World Series!  Clean sweep! The local media has been calling this "Rocktober," and it certainly has been so far! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/16/07 12:25 am
Yeah Baby, were going to the world series! I got up early this morning and went to Sports Authority to buy a Rockies sweatshirt, so I'm all decked out today! I still can't believe it - the World Series! I never thought I would see the day when the Rockies are talked about more than the Broncos.
on 10/16/07 1:32 am - CO
Broncos?  (crickets chirping) I'm not a Bronco fan, so I'm very happy that everyone is ignoring the Broncos right now in favor of the Rockies.  I'm especially glad because the Broncos suck worse than the Raiders and Niners this year! I think I will add Sports Authority to my list of errands today.  I want a sweatshirt, and all I've seen so far are T-shirts. I was here in April 1993 house/dog sitting for my sister when she went to Spain, and I still have the ad from the Denver Post annoucing the "birth" of Dinger.  Hard to believe Dinger is 14!  I also have a program from the first Rockies home game.  I guess I'd better make sure I get a World Series program to add to my collection. Kix



on 10/16/07 3:22 am - Boron, CA
I here you Kix I am not a Bronco Fan I am a Cowboys  However I lived in Denver the year that the Rockies started playing and I feel like a proud aunt

on 10/16/07 5:42 am - CO
My late brother was a Cowboys fan.  I came out of the womb a Niners fan (49ers) and will probably remain one until I die. My sister and I went to one of our local Mexican restaurants on Sunday afternoon (El Tapatio) because she was craving caldo de res (we got there too late, though, they were sold out) and the Cowboys game was on the TV.  No one was paying attention, though, everyone was talking about the Rockies.  That's really unusual for Denver. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/16/07 1:17 am - San Antonio, TX
We stayed up last night to finish out the game and I am dragging bigtime this morning.  Go Rockies!
on 10/16/07 1:39 am - CO
Dunny, I'm dragging, too.  The game wasn't televised here, of course, but I listened to the game on KOA radio (whose format seems to have morphed into "all Rockies, all the time")  With all the post-game hoopla, etc., they didn't sign off on Rockies coverage until 1 AM MST. I'd try to get World Series tickets, but wouldn't you know it, the three games being played in Colorado are happening during the four days we will be in Arizona/Las Vegas.  Sigh.  The only World Series game I have been to was 20 years ago when I lived in St. Louis.  St. Louis beat Minnesota 3-1, and I won the office pool ($50).  Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/16/07 2:04 am - San Antonio, TX
We were up until about 2 I think. I would have been up anyway, my OS crashed on my laptop, and I was trying to recover a lot of data - I was pretty good about backing up until like May, I hadn't backed up since except for work.  So I lost a lot of stuff - at least only a few days worth of work.  I am still trying to recover the data right now, but its a lot harder when its a laptop because you can't just take out the drive and stick it in another computer.  I ended up installing Vista (it bites the big one) so I probably lost a ton of stuff as the hard drive was re-written.  I am seeing what's left now... *sigh*  Not a good day, except for the Rockies.  Goodbye pictures, goodbye music, goodbye financial records (I'm glad that was printed too *phew*)
on 10/16/07 5:56 am - CO
Hm, I think one of my errands tomorrow needs to be a trip to Office Max to get an external drive to back up my files.  I think I will burn my ITunes stuff onto CD, too. I'm sorry to hear your computer committed suicide.  I had that happen when I was in grad school, my laptop decided to commit suicide just as it was time to take an online final.  What a nightmare! Kix



on 10/16/07 4:30 am - VALLEJO, CA

Hey Kix...

What do you mean they didn't televise the game...WTF...that is crazy..why not??

It's not like here, when the Raiders can't sell out a game, then they won't broadcast it locally, but a playoff game???

Anyway congrats on the will be a fun October for your state..


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