What do you do when you feel like nothing goes your way?
Well I went and See Dr. Oakley for all my pre-op stuff and I HATE HIS SCALE, I have been doing great weighing in and his scale says that I weigh 374 ohhhhhhhhhhhh I was pissed off, I told him I weighed on two differn't scales at two differn't places and both said I was 361 the day before I dont understand 13 pounds difference, he didn't say congratulation or anything on the weight loss, but I dont care about that he said he would like me to get another 5 to 10 lbs off before I have the surgery, well duh I know the more weight I get off the better it will be on me and the more confortable he will be doing the surgery, I did ask the DEATH QUESTION this time around and I was told by his assistant that he has never lost any one on the table, but after surgery yes, because they were not real healthy going in, well **** neither am I, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just wish I could feel 100% confortable with all this and be at compleate ease with it... So after I lest his office I went to the pre-surgery clinic and had blood work went over everything and got pre-regerstered yeaaa, so I just go in, Dr. Oakley said if my weight goes above 375 HE WILL NOT DO THE SURGERY and it will depend on the hospital scale in pre-op, OKAY ANOTHER SCALE I HAVE NOT WEIGHED ON BEFORE. So when we left the pre-surgery clinic I went to the so called Pre-op area where they weigh you before surgery and THEY WOULD NOT LET ME WEIGH, I was pissed again, I just thoought pray, leave it to god he knows best.... I just wanted to see the difference in the scale to Dr. O's. Enough about that yesterday I went in for a 4 hour Iron transfusion where I weighed and was 362, again differn't scale but close to the others I have been weighing on I thought it went by pretty fast the ladys/nurses were fantastic and so nice, but do I have nice bruises up and down my arms for blood work at pre-surgery clinic and the iron transfusion. Also kinda a little sad, my parents for christmas every year buys a quarter of a beef for eah one of there children and familys, I wont get a steak, so sad, we got the meat yeasterday and Alan and Spencer had a T-bone and I was faithful and had my shake....and water.....but I did have some cucumbers, they were great.... well I am real tired today so I am going to get off here, take care and God bless, Kristy
Karma....What would life be without it? 250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!
on 10/15/07 1:16 am - San Antonio, TX