Feeling Down After Sleep Study

on 10/10/07 2:51 am - San Antonio, TX
on 10/10/07 3:28 am - San Antonio, TX
Apnea is frequently weight related, but not always. It just seems to run in my family, I have a very thin cousin that just started using a mask also. For that reason, I don't really know if I'll ever be able to go without it. Once I am stabilized at whatever weight I will have another sleep test to see if I can get rid of it. I will also have a sleep test if/when I get pregnant I think, because the apnea seems to be worse in my family when a person is pregnant, and you already feel like crap, so why make it worse? I do like that the mask allows me to sleep on my back, which I didn't for years before.

You know, my dad died, in part because of his longstanding sleep apnea that he didn't get treated until about 20 years after it was apparent. I was mad at him for a looooooong time for not going to the doctor and for not wearing the stuff when he got it. So when it became apparent I have to sleep with the CPAP, I did! And I am single and hoping someday to have some romance in my life. In spite of my size, I've not lacked for men interested in getting me to the bedroom, but the CPAP is one of those things that stops me. It's just not sexy. But then a friend of mine met a really great guy. He kept not making passes at her and would only kiss her and she started to feel like she was a freak cause she didn't seem to "do it" for him. Finally one day she had the "so, do you like me or not?" conversation with him. He adored her, but he was embarassed to admit he has a CPAP that he needs to sleep with (like me, the way I feel the day after, it's just not worth contemplating skipping a night). She told him that the CPAP is a helluva lot sexier than dead. Something to ponder. Just like we are looking at wls and other means to improve out health, the CPAP is there to improve our health. As you lose weight you won't need it. It's just what is, not a value judgment on you. As hard as it is for us to accept that about the machine, it really isn't about us .. but about better health in the long haul FOR us. Sending you big hugs! Janice