Hello and Thank you!
Hello Everyone, How is everyone doing, I just got done reading all of the post you reported back to my Dh, What a great man he is, Well I FELT like I was dieing, now I cant tell you how good I feel today, with bruises up and down my arms and with my throught still hurting a little, but NO MORE GLASS-RAZOR BLADE PAIN, NO MORE CLOTS, And only 5 little spots since FRIDAY ,YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I really do feel like I could dance, I have done some lundry today, put away dishes and rested and I HAVE ATE YEAAAAAAAA, I really have not ate anything much since before I went on the Cruise on sept 7, So its been nice, I have to be careful I dont gain my weight back now that I am feeling well, I go into see Dr. O for all the Pre-op stuff on Oct 10th, I have already been to the Nut and the hospital bariatric class, so after I see Dr. O on the 10th as long as I stay under 375 and I pay the assistant Surgene 1000.00 then I am good to go, my insurance pays all of it but Dr. Jewell because he is not in network.
I just would like to Thank everyone for all your support it has been a journey since I came to this site and I feel the love and support hear, Thanks again Kristy
If you want to see more pics of me and my family, and other stuff I also have www.myspace.com/mitsosangels
Let me know if you have any problems looking at anything, Kristy