Gym is Open (Tuesday 10/2)

on 10/2/07 1:06 am - CO
OW, am I sore from all the aquacise I did yesterday!  I was going to go to two aqua classes today, but I could barely get my sore azz out of bed.  I'd do two classes tonight, but we are going to see "Spamalot" at 7 PM.  I've been waiting all year for this play, so I'll be singing right along with the Knights Who Go 'NI!" I'll go over to the pool in an hour or so for open swim, and do either water walking or some swimming back and forth. Not sure I can call it laps, the warm water pool is not regulation length.  I need to resume my strength training routine, but that may have to wait until next week after I get my body used to rigorous exercise agian. I guess I'd better not do the "5 days off" plan that PJ talked about last week -- obviously my body is one of those that needs to exercise every day (or at least every other day).  I feel like taking last week off has put me back at square one in terms of my fitness level. Enough whining from me!  What did you do to move your body today? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 2:03 am - San Antonio, TX
I wanted to see Spamalot soooo bad while we were in Vegas, but we are poor college students and everything was just toooo expensive.  I'm sure you'll have a blast! I walked for 30 minutes this morning and I am going to ride the bike when I get home from work.  I am starting to feel good and energized after exercise instead of just half-dead, which was how I felt for the last 6 weeks.  I also started tracking my exercise calories burned (at least loosely) in and it makes me feel like I accomplished something when I enter my workout for the day.  The same when I type it out here actually. 
on 10/2/07 4:42 pm - CO
Dunny, you still have a chance to see Spamalot!  The US tour, which is the one currently playing here in Denver, will be in your neck of the woods next June.  June 17-22 at the Majestic Theater in San Antonio. It is well worth the price, I think our tickets were $75 each, which wasn't easy for me to cough up, being on disability and all.  I had the best time!  I'm sure I burned at least 1000 calories just from laughing myself silly for two hours.  The last half of the show is even funnier than the first half, and the first half had me howling! My sister hates Monty Python, and even she was laughing hysterically!  She bought a CD of the soundtrack as we were leaving the theater.  I bought a shirt that says, "I'm not dead yet" and a button that says, "I fart in your general direction." The cast even gave a shoutout to the Colorado Rockies, which earned them an extra standing ovation. Kix (Monty Python fan even before Dunny was born!)



on 10/2/07 2:11 am - Wilmington, NC
Hi Kix.  I walked in the neighborhood this morning for 30 minutes and have another tennis lesson tonite after work from 6-7 pm.  I am so sore too from tennis last night!!!  I think my body needs to keep it up also or I get sore. 

Karen The Papaya

on 10/2/07 3:13 am - somewhere
Rut Rut Rut, I love my Rut..... LOL 15 mins elliptical  30 mins upper body weight training 15 mins elliptical

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 3:16 am
You know, I was the same way when I use to take time off - I felt so dang sore when I started again. Now, it doesn't phase me. Actually, it has been since I started my interval training that I can do that.  Hum, I never thought about that - another reason to love my interval training! It was a shorter day today for me, I did 20 minutes on the treadmill then 17 minutes on the elliptical. I did this as my interval training so I was still drenched with sweat. I would love to be one of those women who can look all fresh and clean when after her workout - I look like the dragon queen. Tomorrow I am back to weights, yeah!!!
on 10/2/07 8:54 am - Magna, UT
Hi Kix! Enjoy Spamalot! I did 35 mins on the treadmill this morning after giving up on walking on the track for 15 mins as it was too hot up there! Lori
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/07 10:54 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Kix!  I'm a bit delayed in my posting, but I hit the gym on Tuesday after work for 50 minutes on the elliptical trainer.  I had a really good workout, which made up for a couple of my crappy workouts last week.  For some reason, my energy level was off last week and I had a hard time getting my heart rate anywhere near the proper zone.  This week things seem to be back to normal, thank goodness... Spamalot sounds great - I love Monty Python.  I haven't seen it yet, but I'll be checking to see if it's coming to Cleveland any time soon.  I also want to see Wicked, which is supposed to be back in Cleveland some time this winter.  I have a friend who ushers at the local theater, and she said Wicked was fabulous.  Can't wait to check it out for myself!  This Friday, my girlfriends and I are going to see Queen Latifah, who just released a new jazz-themed CD.  I haven't heard the new CD yet, but I'm excited about see her - she's a fabulous performer!   Kellie
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