Gym is Open (October 1)

on 9/30/07 3:39 pm - CO
It's Monday! The gym is open.  I'll post my exercise later. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 9/30/07 9:56 pm - somewhere
I'm such a creature of habit....  5 min warm up on elliptical 30 mins lower body weight training 30 mins treadmill 

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 10/1/07 7:28 am - CO
Nothing wrong with being a creature of habit, especially on a Monday! Kix



on 9/30/07 11:32 pm - Wilmington, NC

20 Minutes on the treadmill and 10 min on the elliptical this am and a tennis lesson from 5-6 pm this afternoon -D

on 10/1/07 7:29 am - CO
I haven't played tennis in close to 100 years.  Enjoy your lesson! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/1/07 1:35 am - San Antonio, TX
15 minute walk and then 20 minutes recumbent bike this morning.  Thinking about going to the pool today... no autumn breezes here.
on 10/1/07 7:31 am - CO
I wish I could do the recumbent bike -- I have tried both the regular stationary bike and the recumbent, and there's just no way my knees will bend enough to do it.  It doesn't help that I have basset hound legs and have to scoot the seat up close -- if I could get more extension in my leg, I might be able to manage it.   Did you get to the pool? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 10/1/07 7:42 am - San Antonio, TX
No pool, I've been working from home all day.  I got wrapped up in it (and I have no idea why).  Long long hours database crawling.  Ugh.  BORING!   I like our recumbent bike, but at first I had to move the seat really far back to accomodate the big belly in the way, or something.  If I was any closer my knees would hit me or the handlebars.. it was akward and you kind of have to see it to know what I am talking about. Unfortunately that also meant I had pretty bad form in order to reach the pedals and not completely straighten my legs each time.  Mind you I am only 5'1 (and that's debatable 5'0'' according to some) so it was akward having the seat all the way back where my 6' husband also uses it.  I think the padding in my butt pushed me forward some too though.   Anyway, now I've moved it up one notch, and soon maybe another, so its getting more comfortable to ride.  I am still over the weight limit for it though (but 369 is a lot closer to 350 than 440 was!).  I am not as worried about it breaking as I used to be, so I can get into the workout a little more.  My knees aren't bad yet, but they were starting to hurt going downstairs so it was only a matter of time.  Yet another reason I chose surgery.  I like the bike but I wi**** was a treadmill instead.  That'd be sweet!  
on 10/1/07 2:39 am - Magna, UT
Hi there Kix! Well, I got my tired butt to the gym at 5 am today and did 30 min walking the track and 30 min of abs and upper body strength training...only exercised 3 times last week, so I'm trying to get in my 5 days at least this week. Thanks for opening the gym! Lori
on 10/1/07 7:33 am - CO
Hey, Lori, we missed you! I saw on our local weather report last night that it was mighty nippy on your side of the slope yesterday.  Did you get snow in SL at all? I keep talking about trying to walk around the track at the rec center -- I need to do it.  It sounds like fun. Kix



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