Saturday update on Kristy (askhaiti3) this is her husband again!
Well Kristy had has no bleeding besides 3 spots in 24 hours, and 1 cramp that lasted about 3 secs, She had a very relaxing day, she didn't feel like sitting at the computer so I told her i would do it for her, the doctor called today and said that he wanted to talk with us about some things that went on in the operating room as I reported Kristy Blew a Iv as I reported to all of you last night, so they had to re-start it, Kristy lost 10 more pounds in 5 days from being ill so she is now to 28 pounds but they removed 4 to 5 pounds of blood, clots, and fluid, so she might be under 372 ummm, man I am so proud of how Kristy has been handling her sickness and I love her a whole lot. The doctor did say that they had a hard time putting the breathing tube down her throught that when the checked her airway before sugery it looked good but when they had her under it took them about 20 mins to get it in and they moved her neck alot and popped something in her neck, which I asked the doctor if that would cause her not to really be able to speak, horse, hurting in the throht, neck, front and back , shoulder blades, coughing up stuff, hurting to cough and her collar bone to be hurting and he said yes why? I told him that she had been compalining about that all day, he said he thought it might be a issue, that is one of the main reasons he called, he is a great doctor and even though they had some complications he has a wonderful reputation and fantastic bed side manner which has always been important to Kristy. Well I hope this helps letting you all know, Take care, Alan
I am so glad to hear that Kristy's bleeding seems to have finally gotten under control. Also I am happy to hear that your doctor is an honorable man. It is good that he is forthright about what went on in the OR. It makes me smile to hear you talk so nicely about Kristy. She loves you a lot too as we can all tell from your posts. Take care of her for us. Hugs. Jo