Gym is Open (Thursday 9/27)
The officer said that no one else was affected that they know of. He did say he would request extra patrol in our area, but who knows if we will get it. It does seem related to them as well, but we don't know who it could be. We own a townhouse, and can only park 1 car in the garage, and that is my van. My husband parks his Toyota Corolla in our community parking lot, which is first come first serve. My girls often work late, especially my one daughter who works for UPS and gets home very late, and they often have to park on the street as there is no more parking in our complex. Each time, their car was on the street, and was the only car broken into. My daughter tonight had a Fender guitar belonging to her finance in her car. He won it at the LA county fair last weekend. It is gone, along with all her CD's some clothes, and such. Both cars have an after market stereo that you can hook an iPod to and control through the faceplate. They could not get the stereo out of either car, but took what they could. I do have a neighbor in our complex that has a completely disfunctional house, and I wonder if they are somewhat responsible. I know they are using drugs, and at one time offered free drugs to my kids. I am very leary of them -- I mentioned that to the officer. John will have to deal with the window and stuff tomorrow because my girls and I are going with my mom on a one night dinner/dance cruise on a ship out of LA. We are leaving at 11am, and I teach my water aerobics class until 10am. I'm just really frustrated that this would happen 2 nights in a row to 2 cars that we own.