Gym is Open (Thursday 9/27)
5 min warm up on elliptical 30 mins lower body weight training 30 mins treadmill 7% incline @ 3.3 mph I had a duh moment yesterday when I saw the pec deck set on 50#'s and thought hey I can do that and I did and today my triceps are telling me all about it.... it's a good thing I can type without moving my upper arms... LMAO
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
On one of my weight training days, the weight room was empty, so I thought I'd try the machine that you step up onto a platform and pull the weight bar down. I pulled the weight bar and thought for sure I'd dislocated my heart! Stupid me, I didn't check the weight pin and when I looked, it was 90 lbs! Holy flurking schmidt!
Sounds like you had a good workout!

No gym time for me today, either. I have to attend a funeral tomorrow morning for my girlfriend's Aunt, and I have a family reunion of sorts on Saturday, so need to shop, cook, and bake. So need to run errands at lunch and after work, then go home and do laundry and cooking/baking. I guess I'll get some exercise running errands, but it would be more fun to be walking to different casinos with Kix!!!
Here's hoping I find some time to move my body in the next 4 days - otherwise I'll be a cranky spanky

Shop, cook, and bake! That sounds like a deadly triad!
I didn't have as much fun at the casino as I expected. The drive up and back was glorious, and not too much traffic.
The slot machines are the tightest slots I've ever seen. I only did well at one casino -- the rest sucked up my budget in record time. I played mostly penny slots and still ended up losing $30.
As for the walking, while the town has a charming look, it didn't seem to be conducive to lots of walking. I ended up driving from one casino to another, but I did plenty of walking looking at all the slot machines.
I'm kind of a traditionalist, I guess. The slot machines nowdays all have themes and look like video games for geriatrics. I like the slot machines that have bars and cherries.
I walked 5000 steps today, which is a new personal best for me. Having said that, it's only half of the minimum recommended number of steps one should walk each day.
I don't know how you did all that machine work with sore ribs! Ow!
It was a glorious day for walking -- did you get out and walk at lunch?
Yup, I did make it out to walk - it was so pretty yesterday, very fallish. Trees are just beginning to change, it should be pretty nice in a week or so. I'm going to try to do it again today - I'm hoping it keeps my mind off of food
Good for you for getting in more steps than usual! I'm taking mom to Cripple Creek tomorrow, mostly to see the aspens but were also going to stop at a casino for lunch and some fun. I've never won there, ever. So it could be a waste of money. Not like tahoe, where I won all the time!

I didn't make it back tonight. I'm at home waiting for a police officer to come and take our statements and file a police report. Both of our daughters cars have been broken into on sucessive nights. Amanda's car was Wed night into Thursday, and I spent most of the day trying to take care of that. Steph's car was broken into sometime after midnight last night, but she didn't go anywhere today and didn't find the damage until she left for work at 5pm.
I'm very frustrated tonight!