MAJOR MEDICAL ISSUES: I am alive and now am updating, LONG POST!

Kristy R.
on 9/25/07 3:45 pm - Payette, ID
Post Date: 9/23/07 5:43 am Good morning, I felt I had no where to turn to this morning, I feel alone and helpless. It is 6:15 am here in Idaho and I am not sure what to do. Okay I am going to be very open and some of this might be to much info and I am sorry, it is the only way I can explain. Oct of 2006 I started my period after being on provera month after month to induce having a period every month, but in oct 06, I started a period on my own with no meds, okay I was on that period for 10 months, yes 10 months intill I got sick of it and went and seen a Specialist Ob-Gyn and she put me on Megestrol 40 mg and it is for 12 days 1 pill a day, so after the second pill I stoped the 10 month period, I was so thrilled and felt really good for the first time in a year. So two weeks pass and WAMMMMM a period comes, and its no normal period, it Very very very heavy, with clots the size of base balls I even passed one almost the size of a bowling ball and the pain (cramps) are nothing like I have felt in my life. So I have been on this period since mid august and went on a cruise and was in dier pain the hole time, she decided when I got back to go to the ER and the ER doctor was working with my doctor over the phone to see what could be done, so after she had me on 3 birth control medications while on the trip that she called into a Alaska pharmacy, they did not help, just made me feel more sick, REAL sick... So the ER doctor and the OB-GYN said to put me on the Megestrol again and Ketorolac 10 mg for pain from the cramps, well started taking it and I am still on it, al most done with the megestrol and It has not helped at all, the bleeding is just as heavy if not more and I stoped the Ketorolac because I felt I was having a alergic reaction to it. Well this am at 4:40am I woke up to go to the bathroom as I tend to do about 15 times a night and I have only been to sleep for about 4 hours because of cramps, Well I went into the rest room and presided to go pee and you have a mucle there and every time I would relax to go pee up in side the vaginal canal it would feel like very sharp pain almost like glass, now mind you this is not a UTI, the pain is not soming from there, its coming from up inside, So anyhow I woke my husband up crying telling him I think I needed to call Dr. Brooke or go to the ER he was livid, Screamed at me, said he was sick of all this and I needed to do something about it, I told him I have been doing everything the doctor said, he said find another doctor as he is screaming at me, now mind you, my Husband has never talked to me like this before or yelled at me expessally when I am hurting, he then said I going back to sleep, I thought are ou kidding me I a ******g hurting get up and help me PLEASE. So I dont know what to do, but I lay there for a hour and 30 mins and my husbands alarm goes off and I hear him say, Feeling any better, WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME, YOU LET ME LAY THERE FOR A HOUR AND HALF THEN ASK ME THAT, I WAS SO HURT BY THE WAY HE WAS TREATING ME AND THE SITUWATION. So he gets up and ask, did you cash your check, I said no it's in my purse, he flew off the handle and said we need to get that money in the checking I am not taking money out of the savings, BLA BLA BLA, I thought I am in severe pain and he is screaming at me over my check not being in the account,  So I cry and Cry and all he does is scream cause I am crying, So he says to me I am DONE with all this Kristy, Get some help, I cant handle it, I am thinking you cant handle it, what about me I am going thru this, I know alot of it was that he was tired and when he is tired he is very grumpy intill he wakes up. So I gave him the check and I told him to do what ever he wanted with it I was going back to bed to try to releive some of this pain and he then says lucky you, Oh that about put me over the top, I threw the check at him and he said bye, grabed the check and slamed the door.. I just dont understand why I am still hear by my self, with my 4 year old sleeping in his room and I cant get the one man I love to help me right now, I am surprized he didn't even call his work to tell them he needed to take me to the ER, I am hurting real bad, I am in a spot in my chair that feels okay but I move just the slightest and its severe pain.  If you have any advice please help, my husband is truly a darling husband 99.9 percent of the time, I just dont know what is up with him this morning.  Sorry for the book. Thanks in advance Kristy 2 days ago Published Good Eve my wonderful Oh friends, I went to the ER as almost everyone suggested on here, even thou I made the choice right after posting what I did this morning, so I didn't get to read all your replys in till after I was home and rested, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, WHAT WONDERFUL AND KIND PEOPLE YOU ARE. Well you are all going to love this, sit back and lets begin. So I woke my son up got him dressed and drove my self to the hospital, as I was driving there I called my Ob-Gyn paging service and told them to let here know I was going into the ER as she suggested several times while I was in Alaska that if I was bleeding badly or in pain to go to the ER so thats what I did. So I get to the ER and I get back ASAP to see the ER doctor, I cant tell you how nice that was not to have to wait, and The ER Doctor was so nice and professional, So he has labs come in and takes my blood, and gets a urine sample, (but because I am bleeding they had to put in a cath) YUCK! and the he pred to do a pelvic, It hurt but i understood it needed to be done.  So he found the spots that I told him where hurting and he said it is coming from the cervix and the uteris, and that I have Major bleeding and cloting, which I knew, but he was so nice and how he explained it to me. So then he tells me he talked to my Ob and she said to him that I cancelled a appointment with her last week, Lie Lie Lie, what a damn Lie!  I told him when I saw Dr. Garrett in the Er on 9-15 he came in while i was in the bathroom, talked to me thru a cracked door, never examined me, never totched me ran test or anything like that and told me that Dr. Brooks wanted me on the Magese and to go home. And here the whole time I was in Alaska she wanted me to be seen at every port, we ported at to have blood work done and a DNC.  I finally know why now and all get to that in a min,  but so he said do you have a appointment with her and I said on Friday, he then said this coming friday and I told him yes, then I had him litsen to a message that Dr. Brooks left on my cell phone when we were ported in seattle, and he said after he was done litsening to it "oh really" Well I will just be calling her back," On the message she said how she has tried to get me seen at every port to check blood levals and to have a DNC done, I didn't want to be stuck in Alaska and for some reason it sounded like I was being pawned off at the time. So anyhow back to the ER, My husband shows up, and yes bless his heart he comes up to me and grabs my hand and says sorry for this morning, I just dont know how to help you, I feel for you that you are in so much pain all the time, I want to help I just feel tired of this continueing and they have done nothing to help you, I don't want to lose you but this bleeding has to stop, I feel like all we every do is buy pads and you need them, but when my spare time is surrounded by buying pads in stead of spending it with you and Spencer then you go thru them so fast I just think is my wife going to die from this, he said he didn't want me do die, and for everyone that has not read all of my postings on here, I have never gaven birth to my own child, Spencer is adopted and we are not even final with him we have been waiting on imagration for some time now for his citizenship, hopefully that will be soon but that is a extra stresser in our life. So back to the ER I started to wait and wait and wait for the Ua, blood and Pelvic results and about two hours pass and I look at my husband and said i have a feeling why we are waiting so long is because my ob was coming. About the time a New nurse came in and said your ob is here and I need to get you preped for a pelvic, I said no I already had one thank you, oh she wants another, I then said well then why couldn't they have waited to do it intill she got here, the nurse then said well she asked the Er doctor to perform one to see how much you were bleeding, and now she wants to do one her self, I thought it freaking hurt and she wants another, so then about the time I am being complient, the Ob my doctor walks in the room and says I cant beleive you are here in the Er  on the weekend, if you have problems the ER is not were you solve them it is in my office during the week, I thought to my self ARE YOU ******G KIDDING ME, I then said to here :"you are the one that said if i was bleeding or in pain to go to the Er, well that is while you were not local, and i didn't have to come in here, the ER doctor heard that and came flying in the room, Oh when I say they battled, THEY BATTLED, she then tells me in front of 2 nurses, ER doctor and my husband and son that my blood work was better then it was last week in the ER and that it was not Medically nessasary for me to have the DNC done and that if I wanted it, she had a patient that was about to go into labor and she would try to WORK ME LATER THAT DAY, The ER doctor exploded abd said can I speak to you out side, she then said if you have something to say to me say it here, he then said FINE, Do you understand how bad she is bleeding and cloting and how much pain this young woman is in, she said yea but its not something that is medically nessasary right now, he said i dont agree and she then told him he is not a Ob-Gyn and to pretty much go back to patients that he can take care of, I thought my husband was going to fly off the chair and I bet he would of it it was not for our son, So then she looks at me and says, you can opt to have it dont now, which you dont need it or you can wait till next week and come in the office and I will do it then, WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT it not nessasary but you want to do it on Friday when it is convient for you, Oh I thought the Er Doc was going to lose it when that came out of her mouth, I finally set up took my legs out of the stueps and said to the ER doctor, i am reqwesting to see another Ob-Gyn and I do not want this doctor handling my case any more, she then Put her hand on my cheast real hard and said, WAIT you need information that is useful to you if you decide to use another doctor, I looked at her with the mose horriable face I could and said what do you have to tell me that I already dont know about you, she said I would like to see you in my office on wednesday and we will figure this out, I didn't say anything, I set up and stood up off the table and blood just started running down my leg within 10 sec I was standing in a pool of my own blood, The doctor looked down, my husband looked down and the ER doctor looked down and my husband then speaks up and says one of you help her please that is what you are here for, Well I can tell you the Ob my doctor just said make your choice I have to get to the other patient and leaves the room, the nurses help me to the bathroom to get cleaned up and they say we are really sorry this is happening, they were really professional and said quietly if you decide to talk to someone (and then winked at me) about your visit here today we will leave you are names and how they can reach us.  Also we can give you some numbers you can call, I told them that I felt like a revoving patient when it came to her. So I come back out of the room, they tell me that Brooks is discharging me out of the ER, against the ER doctors advice and that I can get dressed, I was so hurt that all I got was some pain medication and thats all they did for me. My Ob doctor walked by the room as I am sitting there dressed waiting for discharge papers and said see you next week and smiled, did she not get what I said and everyone else. After she left the Er, The very nice Er doctor came in and sais i think you really need a DNC, she is the OB on call and there is not another Ob to call in, I want to let you know privately and trying to be as professional as possiable, I will be contacting the medical review board about her actions today. and here is information if you would like to talk to someone about your visit here today, I know she is discharging you but is there anything I can do to make you more confortable, I told him I can deal with the bleeding but the felling of passing glass is to much to bare, so he wrote a pain a pain medication that knocks me out but releaves alot of the pain, God Bless him he also said he will be talking with his boss at the hospital and if I have any more problems or if it gets any worse or if he can do anything else to contact the ER and they will get ahold of him. I really liked him, he made me feel very confortable. So you are going to love this I get the Discharge papers from the Ob doctor and this is waht it says: Patient Declined a DNC, stop the megace and birth control pills and follow up next wednesday or thurday to secudule DNC during office visit next week! I cant beleive her but I am documenting everything! Well how I feel, I feel okay, tired, a little run down, and still in some pain and bleeding like I was. But I still am greatful for all the perople here, I had over 35 people respond on both boards I put it on and I appricate all the love, hugs and support, Love you all. Kristy By the way 11 pounds lost in 6 days, and I tried to tell the surgene it was water weight from this period.  Thanks again. Kristy They weighed me in at the ER 378.9 11 pounds loss in 6 days. I knew it was water retention.  Conclusion: Well hello, after Sunday being the worst day of my life, I did in fact FIRE the Ob-Gyn that was handling my case. With that being said I have been asked not to discuss what is happening with this doctor intill everything is taken care of. I will let you all know what happens. I will let you know the Wonderful ER doctor and his nurses gave me some fantastic referals and I can say I will never be picking a doctor again because (she is female) I will be using the brain God gave me and will be making possitive choices in Health care providers from now on. So with that being said, Welcome Dr. D into my life, I can say for the first time I have found a Doctor that is Professional, experienced, does not ruch, has the education and is wanting to teach you, and HAS A FANTASTIC BED SIDE MANNER, (oh did I say sweet and caring)! So he spent 1 hour and 45 mins with my DH Alan and I and Educating us on what he know is going on with me. he said he is surprized I am alive, and suprized I am sitting in front of him, he told us that your brain sends singnals to your body and said when you have your hand by a hot stove your brain sends a message to your hand that says move it so it does not get burned, he said that is the same with everything in your body and brain. Alan said to Dr. D I feel like the first time I understand what is going on with Kristy, Thanks for that, then he grabed my hand and kissed it and smiled. He told the doctor he has felt helpless and tired of the blood, the mood swings  and me being in pain  he says lets act like you, I, and your husband is all up inside by your uteris and I only pull some skin Clot blood off your utris, okay fine it passes no big deal, now lets act like you, I , and your husband starts pulling all together over and over and over again and your body passes so much then so the body feels up and is sitting there waiting for the fist stuff to pass and it just over loads this also happens when a woman goes into labor, you are no longer having cramps you are having labor pains which alot of woman have when they have this kind of bleeding and clotting, well thats nice to know a reason, and he explained it to us in englis not medical talk, which was nice. so then we talked about what he thought my options are #1  Depo-Provera-Injection When you're not using birth control, your body builds a lining in your uterus each month. It does this to prepare for pregnancy. If you don't get pregnant, your body releases this lining. That's what we know as a period. With Depo-Provera, your body doesn't build this lining, or builds only a very thin one. So there's simply little or no lining to be released. Some women may feel freed up by having a lighter flow or no period.  and Hormone treatment- Injection  A short course of high-dose estrogen therapy is often used to stop dangerously heavy bleeding. For ongoing treatment progestin and estrogen) or progestin injections regulates the menstrual cycle, reducing severe bleeding and severe cramping. #2 choice 60 to 100 mg of Megstrol #3 Dilation and curettage (D&C) is sometimes used to control sudden, heavy vaginal bleeding. It is the quickest way to stop bleeding in the uterus.  So our main goal is to STOP the bleeding for enough time to have surgery.  All the doctorshave said  in my case get the weight off = regulates menstral cycles. So we decided  option one 2 shots one in each hip and ouch but I didn't complain I thought bring it on ( anything that might stop this). and the goal is it will ighten it up then it will stop, If it does not stop or lighten up by Thursay which will be day 3 then  we do option 3, and no one wants that. Also my blood Iron was 9.9 in his office yesterday he said that is low but he thought it would be lower cause of the bleeding I said I started the Iron tablets on my own 2 weeks ago and he said smart girl. he told me he wanted me to call Dr. O office and ask what my Iron count needs to be before he will do surgery so we are on the same plan, so I did call them and they are going to call tomorrow with the answer, she this is the plan: 1. The shots  (PRAY IT WORKS -PRAY STOP THE BLEEDING) 2. Get Iron up In four Weeks, take the iron tablets, Dr. D said this will get it up to about 12 he thinks, but if Dr. O wants it higher he is going to recommend Iron Transfusions once a week in the hospital. 3Must be 375 or less or Surgery will not happen. 4 Bleeding must have to stop or Surgery will not happen. So I have felt no cramps for a  hour so I thought I would update all of  you  Thank you for the  Darvocet-midol also he is the first doctor that said I need to be on a water retention medication so he put me on Dyazide 37.5/25  take in am as needed for water retention. So I want to now THANK EVERYONE HERE FOR ALL YOUR IMPUT, PRAYERS, BLESSINGS. I am going to be very possitive and Make my brain send that singnal stop that bleeding, stop bleeding, stop bleeding, stop bleeding! I will tell you the hot baths, showers and heating pad has really helped also. Well Good night all of my sweet OH !  Kristy

on 9/26/07 1:39 am - Columbia, IL
WOW Kristy, I must have missed your original posts about all of this.  I surely can relate.  I had endometriosis for years and had five major surgeries to remove tons of cysts and tumors and at least that many D&C's so I know what you are going through.  The mental toll it all takes out of you is unbelievable.  Most of my friends and family were very supportive but of course they truly didn't understand the pain and just plain grossness of bleeding that heavily or that long. By the grace of God I had Michael in 1986 and then couldn't have anymore children.  We adopted four more in 1999 and 2000.  I had a hysterectomy in 1990 and the freedom of no pain nor heavy bleeding was so awesome. I have had my share of idiot doctors also - maybe not as evil as your ob/gyn, but pretty darn close.  You just have to shop around for a doctor as you do a car or a house - sad but true. If you ever need to talk, I'm here - just private message me. Lori
on 9/26/07 2:31 am - ID
Kristi, Hugs to you. I am so sorry that you are not doing so great. I am glad to know that you finally have a good Dr. that is going to truly take care of you. Please don't let that other Dr. get away with what she did to you.  hugs sweetie, Annie w.
(deactivated member)
on 9/26/07 2:33 am - San Antonio, TX
Oh my goodness - that is horrible!  I didn't read your previous posts I guess, but reading it all in this post just left me horrified about the first ob/gyn.  I am so glad you found someone new who you can talk to and trust, and who treats you like a human being!  And thank goodness you were taking iron!  Did anyone say to you that maybe you should wait a few extra weeks without bleeding before you have surgery?  I would think with all the stress your body has been under for months, a few extra weeks to let it strengthen up again might be a good idea because surgery and subsequent starvation is going to be very stressful on an already overstressed body!  I know you want to get the surgery as quickly as possible, and not risk starting back up with the bleeding, but if it were me I'd want to be as strong as possible physically before I went in to surgery.  Just a thought. I wish you ALL THE BEST and hope you start feeling better soon.  You poor thing!  *hugs*  please keep us posted!!
on 9/26/07 12:02 pm - Cumberland, MD
Kristy, I have been worried about you since your original post. I am so glad you have a doctor that will help you now. I pray the shots work quickly. Hugs. Jo

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Jeanine F.
on 9/27/07 12:55 am - Clifton Park, NY
I am shocked and amazed that a doctor could be so uncaring and cruel. Thank God you got rid of her and I hope you nail her ass to the wall with the Medical Review Board!!She does not deserve to have the initials MD after her name...better initials would be *****!  I will pray for your continued recovery and putting your life back together!!  Stay positive! 


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