Gym is Open (Tuesday 9/25)

(deactivated member)
on 9/25/07 11:34 am
I overcame my "very bad, horrible, awful day" and woke up in a much better mood today, at my usual 4am wake up call. I headed to the gym, did 20 minutes on the elliptical (my ribs only partly hurt, yeah!) and then 20 minutes of jog/walk on the treadmill. it's funny, yesterday I wore heals all day - I usually bring tennis shoes with me and try to walk around campus and all over with them, but I forgot them yesterday and had to suffer with pinched toes all day! However, today I feel like I worked out my calves all day, they are so sore! I guess I should wear heels more often, maybe I could finally get my calves into shape (I seriously hate my calves- squatty and ugly )
on 9/26/07 1:48 am - CO
Heels?!  Ow! Ow! Ow!  I never wear heels, just the thought of it has made my toes curl inward. I have seen an ad in the Rocky that advertises a shoe that is supposed to help with leg toning because the way the sole is shaped supposedly works all sorts of leg and calf muscles.  Of course, the ad doesn't say how much the shoes cost.  It's some local podiatrist selling them, and when I first saw the ad, the shoes looked to me like a cross between Earth Shoes and Famolares. Glad to hear your ribs have stopped complaining!  I forgot to ask if you have to wrap or tape them while they heal? I actually don't mind how my calves look, it's my Gigantor thighs with the sagging skin and hunks of loose fat that put me off.  Seriously, my thighs qualify for statehood. Kix PS:  Have you had frost on the lawn over on your side of town?  I took the trash out early this morning, and the lawn had a lovely light frost on it.  I think Fall really is here.



(deactivated member)
on 9/26/07 8:45 pm
Hmm, those shoes sound kind of interesting - I've added more calf exercises to see if that will help, but I think inherited these things. Kind of runs in the family. No taping of the ribs, I was told that is seldom done anymore. But they did tell me to do the pillow trick whenever I cough or sneeze. Didn't really help. There just isn't a whole lot they can do for ribs, except give me that lovely vicadin No frost here yet, but my car is always fogged up when I leave to workout. And I have to actually wear my coat. I'm ready for the time change though - it's to the point where I workout in the dark and I would love to have some sun peeking though. How's the project going? Almost done?
on 9/25/07 12:52 pm - CO
What a day!  I didn't get to work out after all.  I took my sister to the airport at o'dawn thirty, then drove home and started working on Version 3.0 of the project my niece hired me to do.  It turns out she was trying to get away with a less detailed product, and the client wants something far more detailed, so it looks like I'll be working like crazy the next few days.  The upside is that I will probably earn double my original amount at the end of it all!  Woohoo! I worked, then I noticed around mid-afternoon that our shih-tzu was kind of listless and yelped intermittently.  He looked ill, so I took him to the vet.  Of course, the minute we arrive at the vet, he's all perky again.  She gave him an exam and couldn't find anything wrong.  She suggested it might be a soft tissue injury (sprain) and we decided to watch him for now.  If he continues to look like he's in pain or keeps yelping, she said she'd prescribe a natural anti-inflammatory (sounded like doggie medical marijuana to me ).  I hope he'll be all right, I don't need the dogs to die on my watch. Since the dogs were perky at the vet's office, I did reward them with a brief walk in the park near the vet's office.  They seemed to enjoy it (as did I). Kix



on 9/26/07 1:27 am - Ontario, CA

Hi Kix, I did 2 water aerobics classes yesterday for 2 hours of exercise.  The rest of the day was a BLUR!  Glad that I was able to get to the classes.


31 lbs lost before surgery
on 9/26/07 1:51 am - CO
Jennie, you are definitely tougher than me.  I did one hour of deep water aerobics on Monday and it just about killed me.  It was quite rigorous, and the water was freezing, so it was too much!  I don't know how you are able to teach for two hours.  You must be super-fit! Kix



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