Fun on the 14er!

on 9/22/07 2:27 pm, edited 9/22/07 2:30 pm - CO
My sister and I took a trip to Manitou Springs today to ride the Pikes Peak Cog Railway.  This historic railway was conceived in the 1800s after Zalman Simmons (founder of the Simmons Mattress Company) took a two-day trip up to the 14,000+ summit on a mule.  He figured there had to be a more civilized way to get up the mountain. The trip was great fun!  The weather was delightful and the trains were packed.  We had some traffic diffculties just south of Denver and were worried we'd miss our train, but we made it with ten minutes to spare!   Our seatmates directly across from us were two guys from Oklahoma who were taking a speeding tour of the US (went from Oklahoma to Connecticut to Cape Cod and then back this way, deciding at the last minute to hit Colorado before heading back to Oklahoma tonight).  Neither of them have ever been on an airplane, preferring to drive.  One of the guys kept kicking my foot, so I jokingly asked him if he was trying to pull a "Senator Craig."  He was horrified and spent the rest of the trip with his feet tucked so far under his seat, I was sure they'd snap off at the ankle!  After our fun day, we drove up to our favorite Mexican restaurant in Commerce City (north of Denver) and I feasted on tostadas (without the tortilla shells) and refried beans.  Yum, yum! I took pictures, and posted some of them on my profile page.  Feel free to take a peek at them, and as a teaser, I'll tell you there are a couple of new pictures of me in there, too.  Kix



margaret odom
on 9/22/07 9:16 pm - sumner, GA

Karma....What would life be without it?  250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!

on 9/23/07 8:35 am - CO
Thin?  As if!  I looked thinner because I've learned to pose so all my hanging fat and skin falls to the back of me and thus can't be seen!  When I'm doing leg presses at the rec center, I can't help but marvel how normal-like my thighs look when all the fat is hanging away from them.  My upper arms have middle-aged spread.  When my niece was here last weekend, she looked at my arms and said, "They are so thin under all that hanging skin."  I've never had thin upper arms before. My new goal is to be thin and petite like my pals PJ and Marge.  Of course, being a sturdy-boned girl of Scandinavian stock, this might take a lot more work than I realize.  In our car on the train, I think my sister and I were the only locals (other than the tour guide).  There was an armada of senior citizens from South Dakota on a bus tour, the two Oklahomans, and us.  I was worried that some of those more frail seniors would keel over at the top of the mountain, but they didn't. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 9/23/07 7:42 am
You made it up a 14er!!! Congrats!!! I love the Cog Railway - it's a beautiful way to see the peak. I had a roommate when I lived in the Springs who managed the place on top -she spent 6 months of the year up there. (which, by the way, is a great roommate to have - we never got on each others nerves since she was never there!) She would get me all these free passes and every weekend I would go up to see her and hang out. Next year I plan on hiking up it  - only if I stop falling and cracking ribs
on 9/23/07 8:27 am - CO
Manitou Springs sure is pretty!  I could live there.  El Paso County has an managerial opening in their Public Health Department, but I'm lacking TB experience, darn it.  I thought about telling them I could do everything in their job description except the TB part, but I figured it wouldn't work.  I was shocked at how cold it was at the summit.  It was 80+ degrees when we boarded the train and below freezing (41 degrees - wind chill factor) when we hit the top.  BRR!  It gave me a chance to try out my new Lands End polar fleece jacket, and it kept me toasty warm. It was a great day to be on the mountain.  Plenty of hikers at the snack bar drinking hot chocolate (I really wanted some hot chocolate, too).  My sister bought some of those "high altitude" donuts, and as much as I lust after and covet donuts, those looked pretty bad.  They looked like donut-shaped rocks. (Oh, a funny donut-related sidebar:  we were at El Jardin for dinner, and a group of guys sat in the booth across from us.  One guy's phone rang, and he talked for a few minutes.  It was his mom. He said, "I left you a box of donuts on the kitchen table."  I started thinking that a box of donuts sounded like a fine dinner, provided they were either: Lamar's, Entemann's, or Dunkin Donuts). I did get out of breath walking around at the top, but I figured it's because I didn't acclimate.  I used to have the same problem years ago coming from sea level to Colorado to visit my sister. It was nice going up my first 14er, even if I took the cheater's way up!  Kix PS:  How do I begin the hiking habit?  Just hit an easy trail and walk, or do I need to take a class at the rec center?



(deactivated member)
on 9/24/07 11:11 am
You don't need no stinkin class, you've got me , your very own, personal hiking trainer! Honestly, I would love to take you on some local trails - I've been on ALL of them this summer and I could probably pick some good, easy ones to start with.  Since it's snowing in the mountains, I think most of my hiking will be here at flatlanders level. (Well, I am going to do some snowshoeing this year, but that season doesn't really start until December). All you need are some sturdy shoes and you can even borrow my hiking poles - those would be perfect for you and certainly help with the knees. It's funny you mention those donuts - when my old roommate worked up there it was with the original company, the ones who actually built the summit house way back in the early 1900's. The grandmother had made this special recipe for high altitude donuts but they would never give the recipe out. I've got to tell you, those were hand down the best donuts I have ever had! But, when they lost the contract to Pikes Peak they took the recipe with them. One guy who stayed with the new company tried to duplicate them but they were never the same. THAT was the donut your sister ate, the horrible imitation. Just a little something you didn't know about Pikes Peak I love Manitou Springs - in the middle of town the original arcade is still there, with all the old machines. We use to go down there and play the penny games for hours, then get some great ice cream at this stand right next to it. I had friends who lived there and when renovating their house they found a 'hidden' room with all the makings for marijuana - they called the cops and had to convince them it wasn't theirs. The funny thing is they were total potheads - smoke it all the time. I told them it was payback for all those years of getting away with it
(deactivated member)
on 9/23/07 10:20 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Great pictures, Kix, and darlin', you look fabulous!  I can totally relate to figuring out how to arrange my hanging skin and fat for the best frontal pose   When I'm doing the leg press at the gym, I think "dang, that's what my legs could look like after a thighplasty..."   I've never done the Pikes Peak Cog Railway, even though I've vacationed in Colorado many times, and even lived there for a couple years.  Looks like a fun adventure!  It's on my list of things to do the next time I come back.  Sounds like I should also check out El Jardin, since the Mexican food in Cleveland can't hold a candle to the authentic Mexican food available in Colorado!   Congrats on making it up your very first 14er!!! Kellie
on 9/24/07 3:36 pm - CO
OK, I'm pretty sure that PJ and I would be happy to accompany you on the Cog Railway, and I don't need much arm twisting to go to El Jardin, so all you need to do is get out here.   When I lived in St. Louis, I used to cry because there wasn't any decent Mexican food to be had, anywhere.  I'm sure that's changed now, but it was pretty sad back in 1987.  The first thing I did when I was transferred back to California was eat a boatload of Mexican food at the New Mecca, a wonderful Mexican restaurant in Pittsburg (no h), California. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 9/23/07 11:22 pm - San Antonio, TX
Love the new pictures!  It sounds like you had a great time & a great way to spend a weekend
on 9/24/07 3:15 am - Glendora, CA
Sounds like fun! The pictures were great! Thanks for sharing. You look great too!
I know I can, I know I can
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