Gym Is Open (Friday)
I had a pinch in my hip this morning so I had to limit the cardio.....
I still managed to do:
5 min elliptical warm up
30 mins lower body weight training
5 min elliptical cool down LOL
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Hi Lori,
I taught Aqua fit today, so, I hour for me. It wasn't a great morning cause the instructor who does the easy workouts came and messed with my head for most of the hour. She used to have Friday mornings and is jealous, so she decided to come and play games. My boss knows, she is going to talk with her.
Hi, Lori! I lifted weights at lunch time and will be going back to the gym in a few minutes to do 40-50 minutes of cardio. It's hard to go Friday after work, but I missed two days this week and know that I won't go to the gym this weekend. So the Friday post-work workout seems necessary.
Hope everyone else had a better workout week than I did -
No exercise for me today, either. My niece and her husband are here from California for the weekend, so we're entertaining.
I did walk 4000 steps today, though, so I haven't been a total slug. It's not much, though, I believe the daily recommendation is 10,000 steps.
I don't know whether I'll be doing formal exercising the next couple of days. We'll see. I'll be sorry on Monday when I go back to the rec center and creak like the Tin Man when I get on the in-line skating machine. Oilcan!