I don't know about feeling full because I can't really tell when I am empty or full. I've just been measuring out an ounce or so in volume of food, sometimes 2 oz, but I can't finish 2. I eat really slow and then I just reach a point where another bite seems like a bad idea - for me its at about an oz usually. But then, I am not hungry or interested in food, so it could just be boredom at that point. I think I could eat more at first than I can now, which I've read is because your pouch doesn't stretch as well after its healed more. I don't feel full all the time like you describe, and the one time I maybe overate was when I finished a whole pudding cup instead of just half. It started crawling back up my throat, which I assume means it wouldn't all fit in the pouch. I don't think the nerves that tell you whether you are full or not come back for a little while after surgery. At least that's what I've been told.
I think 8oz of jello is prolly about 8 oz of liquid, but you could always melt some down to see. I don't know the last time I made jello, so I don't remember if it expands as it hardens. I don't think so. But it does melt pretty much as soon as you eat it..
As for heebiejeebies definitely. I don't like to think about what's been done to my insides. I have had some regrets, but then I wasn't completely sure I was going to live through the second surgery, I think that has something to do with it. At the moment, no regrets, but sometimes when I drink water too fast or my stomach is unsettled I think that I made a mistake. I'm sure it will pass as I feel better and better. I regretted it last night when I ate some guacamole (with a spoon) and wanted tortilla chips soooo bad!

I think these first few weeks and months will involve a lot of complicated feelings as we come to terms with what we've done and as our lives change sooo quickly. Best Wishes in your continued good health and healing. Don't worry about your brain on anesthesia, I've had some of the weirdest most vivid dreams for the last month. (I had one last night where I ate a whole package of chips ahoy and didn't understand why I didn't get sick or explode my pouch). My mind is still very flighty and I can't seem to think much at all. Adios!