margaret odom
on 9/8/07 10:44 pm - sumner, GA

Hey Ya'll Weekenders,         I am sitting here sucking on my morning java and am so so bored.. I still cant do a whole lot of this and that but I also am the type to not sit still. Jeez... what to do??? We were going to the movies yesterday and Leon had to work so we done a total opposite of movies... We ended up looking for a new Dodge Ram lol... Can that be any different or what? We cruised the Dodge lots and found one we liked so..... dont know yet... Major purchase there. We have a 2004 quad cab one but we get in buying fever about every two or three years so....... To me it felt like going to a five star restaurant on a date because I wanted out of the house so badly. lol I am gonna go out to dinner tonight with my grandchildren and so that will perk me up some. Guess its the weekend of whining here lol... The weather has been so much nicer lately. Still hot as hattis but hattis in the shade lol... I have graduated to getting in the truck by myself without the stepping stool from the house lol.... IM A BIG GIRL NOW as my granddaughter says lol... So please someone respond... IM BORED!!!! Hugs Marge

Karma....What would life be without it?  250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!

on 9/9/07 3:08 am - Bucksport, ME
Hi marge, I chuckled when you said your granddaughter said you were a big girl now. I use a stool to get in our big van. The other day my almost 4 yr old granddaughter said "grammy when you get bigger you will not need the stool " I wish the surgery I know i will have to do someday like yours, was all over like yours. I do not know why I am more worried about that surgery more thasn my gastric by pass !!! Take care Pam
on 9/9/07 7:12 am - Philadelphia, PA
Oh Margie, I wish you lived closer to me I would come and get you and let you do all my 4 years of backed up paperwork.  I hate filing.   I Dunno Hmm I know when you can't get around and the TV is the only entertainment.  I think during my first recovery I wanted to know just who was the baby daddy.  When I found myself cursing at the TV about how much a dog the daddy was I knew I had to do something.  Me and the furbabies send you best wishes and lots of busy thoughts.   Hope you are up and running around real soon. Jeanne 
on 9/9/07 7:48 am - CO
Hey, Marge! Don't I know how much it sucks to have to stay home?!  You'll be able to run around like a headless chicken soon! We went to see "3:10 to Yuma" today.  I hate Westerns, but Russell Crowe did a pretty good job as Ben Wade.  Christian Bale, who I don't think I've ever seen in anything, was pretty good, too. My sister loves Westerns and thought it was a terrific movie, so I think Leon will like it. I need to work on my resume, but I'm not really in the mood.  I'm feeling kind of grumpy right now, and I have no reason to feel this way.  Maybe I'm cross because now that the carpets are clean, we have to tiptoe around here like ballerinas.  Ugh. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 9/9/07 10:14 am - San Antonio, TX
I can relate to the boredom Marge.  This coming week marks my sixth week at home.  I am definitely going back to work next week, no matter how I feel!  I am not a TV watcher, but I've seen a ton of it lately, mostly HBO movies I have or have never seen.  I've also done a lot of scrapbooking and read about 6 books.   I don't want to sit still either, so I walk (pace) quite a bit or water my garden.  I am still really restricted on activity because of what I went through with the complications.  Better to be safe I guess (boo).  Congratulations on being a big girl now, hehe.  Take care and enjoy the grandkids!
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