pre opt appointment
I had my pre opt today for my gallbladder/internal hernia surgery . I am having it at the same hospital I had my RNY so I pretty much new the drill. Except they have a new parking garage, and I couldn't find my car when I was leaving. I had to check 4 levels..I felt like such a dork.
My surgery is Monday..I am glad to be getting it over with. The pain I have is overwhelming when it hits. So I will write you when I get home..I should only be in the hospital one nite..
Have a nice weekend everyone
Hey Lynn,
Big Ole hugs coming your way here.... Been there, done that with the gallbladder... You will do so amazing. You telling about the parking levels and getting lost reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where they go to the mall and Kramer totes an air conditioner from level to level because they had no idea where they were parked lol.... You let us know when you feel better how things went. Make sure them folks know not to slide no sugar foods to ya... I had that happen when I had surgery last week even though Bold as can be.... WLS PATIENT on the chart... ugh
Hugs Marge
Karma....What would life be without it? 250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!
Thanks Marge,
I was just talking to my Mom and telling her about the parking garage incident, and she recalled the Seinfeld episode(she and my dad are huge fans of Seinfeld) I laughed and said "Marge said the same thing" She's like whos Marge? So I told her all about all of you guys and how great it is to communicate with others dealing with my same issues..She thought it was great.
Thanks for the tips
I second what Marge says regarding the food. Also, be sure to ask about any medication they give you to be sure it is pouch-friendly and won't eat a big hole in it. Even though your hospital does WLS, not all the nurses may be familiar with the needs of a post-op RNY. When I was in the hospital with cellulitis as a new post-op, I had to stay on top of everything they gave me, and everything they tried to feed me.
Don't feel stupid about the parking garage incident. I lost my car once at the Sherman Oaks Galleria in Southern California. The parking garage was color-coded, except the dimwit who color-coded it made the colors all look the same. I thought I had parked on the orange level, and it turned out I was parked on the red level. I was mad and near tears by the time I finally found my car (an hour later).
I'll be thinking about you on Monday! Good luck with the surgery, and you'll feel 100% better once that nasty, diseased gallbladder is yanked out.