Can I Get a "Woohoo!"

on 9/7/07 5:30 am - CO
I went to see my PCP today for a female exam.  I haven't seen her since January because she has been on maternity leave, so she was mighty impressed with how well I'm doing post WLS.  Her regular nurse also came in to gawk at me.  It's funny how people react to weight loss. During the course of our conversation, she asked about my oxygen usage.  I told her I'd turned it down to 1 LPM, and felt fine.  I also told her I don't use it when I swim.  She said, "Turn it off while we're here and I'll have the nurse check your levels at the end of our visit." She ticked off a list of all the medications I used to be on, and no longer need.  She looked at my legs and said, "Wow, they don't swell at all anymore!" The nurse was able to take my blood pressure on my upper arm, without using the big cuff (even though Hoppy and Bob hang like crazy, it worked somehow). I weighed 4 lbs more on her scale than I did at my WLS support group meeting.  The female exam went well.  I haven't had one in 20 years because frankly, it was impossible to see anything due to all the fat.     She did a good job, too, didn't pinch any of my naughty bits during the exam.  The breast exam was a hoot, since I have nothing there to examine.  She said, "Hm, you have lots of skin but very little tissue."  No kidding!     The best part?  At the end of the exam, she checked my sat levels for the oxygen.  It was good, so she had the nurse trot me around the second floor of the clinic to see if the levels dropped while I was active.  I felt like a show dog on a leash, but the result was, my sat levels were just fine.  So, no more supplemental oxygen during the day!  Woohoo!  I still need it at night with the CPAP, but that's next on my list of things to get rid of. She also asked me, "Have you thought about going back to work?!"  Hm, sounds like my five year "vacation" will be ending soon.  That's OK, I just hope I can find a good job. I'm so happy, I'd do cartwheels if I thought my knees could stand it. Kix



margaret odom
on 9/7/07 6:06 am - sumner, GA
Hey Kix,          I think your good news just put me in a better mood...WHO HOO!! I am overjoyed to hear that you are cut down alot off of the oxygen.... And now that we are amongst ourselves sh sh sh I hadnt had a female physical as they say since my baby was born and I mean the one that just got married that will be twenty five this Dec.... And what is the reason...??? OMG the same one yours was. People can say what they want but obesity comes in all forms when comes to your health. I know theres alot of women out there that weight doesnt get in the way when comes to things like that but I just wasnt one of them unfortunately. Its sad things happen that way but hey,... will make us stronger now huh? I am gonna go movie hoppin to this weekend. Leon is a possessed person over westerns and the new movie came out 310 to yuma so guess we will do that. I aint complaining at all girl... Tired of the cotton like I said.. lol... Your sister sounds like me about cleaning. I clean all but the ga clay outside when someones coming .. kids or not lol.... I know,, dont make sence sometimes. Then ya have more crap to do when company leaves... go figure. Hugs Marge

Karma....What would life be without it?  250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!

on 9/7/07 6:30 am - CO
See, I'd use that red GA clay as an excuse not to clean ("The clay will just get tracked in again, anyway.")    I'm not the kind of housekeeper that you have to call the Board of Health because horrific smells are coming from the house, but I'm not one to clean carpets or wash walls.  I will vacuum... eventually. I just found out we are also going to see "3:10 to Yuma" this weekend.  I'd rather have a root canal than see a Western (unless it's like Blazing Saddles), but my sister is like Leon when it comes to Westerns, and she refuses to go by herself.  I'll just make her go see it at a theater where we have to take a nice drive to get there.   I used to tell myself that my fat didn't affect my health, and then one day, it nearly killed me.  Talk about a life lesson!  Turns out the fat did get in the way of my health, in a big way. Kix



on 9/7/07 6:42 am - Milan, TN
That's a big WOOHOO!  I'm so jealous and happy for you.  I can't wait for my turn, which feels like it will never happen.  You rock!

on 9/7/07 7:17 am - fort wayne, IN
wow kix! that's a wonderful piece of news -- deserving of a BIG WOOHOO! congrats to you. deb
on 9/7/07 7:49 am - ID
Kix, I truly am so happy for you! What a wonderful day it must have been to get all that great news. Hugs, Annie W
on 9/7/07 8:21 am - VALLEJO, CA
Kix, I am so happy for you...What a great day...You will do great back in the working world. Your so smart and witty...any employer would love to have you.. Thanks for the good news. Lynn
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/07 9:36 am - San Antonio, TX
I second the woohoo with one of my own.  Congratulations!  That rocks!  (And I am religious about the female exams, no matter my weight - ovarian cancer is rampant in the family) My woohoo is because yesterday was 1 month surgiversary and I got weighed today.  I've lost 33 lbs since surgery, according to their scales.  The doc was impressed and finally nice to me.  Amazing.  I can't wait to get rid of the freaking cpap either!
on 9/7/07 11:25 am - Philadelphia, PA
Sorry about the hijack, Kix.  Dunnyboctor gets a big WooHoo also.  33 lbs in one month.  You will disappear in a year.   Congrats. Jeanne
on 9/7/07 12:03 pm - CO
Heck, yeah!  I'll say Dunny gets a big "Woohoo!"  too!  Way to go, Dunny! Kix



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