Gym Is Open (Thursday)
I think I over did it on my legs yesterday because they were killing me today, so I only did 15 mins on the HELLiptical.... lol
and 30 mins upper body weight training.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/07 2:00 am - San Antonio, TX
on 9/6/07 2:00 am - San Antonio, TX
Even though I am not ready, I had to come up to school today to sign some forms. Of course, we parked FAR away because parking is insane here. I have to say, the walk to my lab from the parking lot (uphill) used to nearly kill me. I'd have to stop at the benches outside the entrance of the first building to rest. Today I walked the whole way to my lab (about 20 minutes) and barely broke a sweat. I wasn't even breathing hard. Amazing.
I am, however, totally beat. I am going to have my husband walk to the car and bring it to the entrance when we leave. I also think (hope?) I am dumping at the moment. I had some watered down orange juice about an hour ago and I feel pretty weird. Light-headed and sleepy, and I had to use the bathroom twice. Not painful, just weird. Fluttery. I should have had milk. Anyway, I say I hope its dumping because its been 2 weeks since second surgery, I don't want to be due for a third. I have a surgeon's appointment tomorrow at least.
So I am calling the walking around campus my exercise for today. I need a nap.
I went to the rec center and did 30 minutes of in-line skating machine at level 3. I also did weight machine work on my arms, back, and knees.
I feel discouraged today. I was chatting with one of the senior ladies at the gym who I hadn't seen in a few weeks (she and her equally nice spouse were on vacation, lucky sods!). I told her that my PT said I had two choices, to either work harder or learn to accept my limitations. I DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT MY LIMITATIONS! So, that's why I did level 3 today. My friend said not to get discouraged, and when I do, think about the time when I couldn't do the in-line skating machine at all.
I try, but sometimes it's not enough. I guess today is one of those days.
My sister and I are going to aquacise tonight. The teacher is so hyper that I think she's not only ADD, but on speed as well. At least we get a rigorous workout as a result of her manic energy!

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/07 7:27 am, edited 9/6/07 7:28 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
on 9/6/07 7:27 am, edited 9/6/07 7:28 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hiya, Kix. Sorry to hear you are feeling discouraged today. You've made such tremendous progress, and I can understand feeling discouraged about the fact that you can't do everything you want right now. But to put a different spin on your PT's advise, the only limitations on what you can do are the limitations you place on yourself. If you are willing to work hard and push through some soreness, pain, and serious sweat, your body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. While there are something things we can't undo (for me, it's the full compartmental compression of the cartilage in my knees), there are things I can do to minimize the effect of those problems (strengthen leg and hip muscles to take pressure off my knee joint).
So while you may need to live with some limitations for now, remember that it's within your power to change some of these things. And if that doesn't work, try strapping 308 pounds of sugar or flour or something to yourself and try taking a walk around the block. That's where you used to be. But its not where you are now, and I know that you'll never go back to that place again.
Enjoy your aquacise class tonight - hope that hyper teacher kicks your butt!!!
Hi, Lori. I lifted weights for upper and lower body at lunch time. Am trying to convince myself that I'm going back to the gym after work to do cardio. We'll see whether that happens. I rarely have a day where I'm just really not in the mood to go to the gym, but today's one of those days....
Hi Lori,
I'm certainly enjoying the MUCH cooler weather today - 87 instead of 115! When we headed to the pool this morning, it was cool and overcast, so several people didn't make it to the pool because they thought it was too cold. My husband and son went with me for 1 hour of water aerobics. Tonight, John and I will go back for another hour. I teach the class tomorrow, so I'm coming up with my plan for the morning.
I want to try and find something that will help tone my legs/calves more, and I may have to venture into the gym to do that -- the very thought gives me shivers and goose bumps!